I Told Him That He’s Perfect Just The Way He Is.

I Told Him That He’s Perfect Just The Way He Is.

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On our way to dropping Ofu in school this morning, I asked about his friend (name withheld for privacy), whom I last remembered was yet to resume this school year.

Ofu: “I think he must have left Holmsley.”

Me: “Really? Why?”

Ofu: “He felt unsafe because they called him…”

Me: “Oh no. That’s not nice and, it must have hurt his feelings.”

Ofu: “Yes. It did.”

Me: “What did you do to help him?”

Ofu: “I talked with him. I told him that; I don’t think he… I told him that he’s perfect just the way he is.”

Me: “I’m so proud of you for saying so. I know that God is proud of you too and, you made Jesus smile. I’m sure that must have made your friend feel better.”

Ofu: “Mmhmm.”

Me: “That was so good. So, who’s the man?”

Ofu: “I am.”

Me: “Who’s the champion?”

Ofu: “I am.”

Me: “Who’s the winner?”

Ofu: “I am.”

That’s one of our pep talks to motivate him for school.

Me: “Do you know that you are a superhero?”

Ofu: “Me?”

Me: “Yes, you. Superheroes help people who are in trouble or have a need. That’s what you have been doing. Remember your friend whose junior brother you looked after in camp in camp?”

Ofu: “Yes.”

Me: “You were his superhero when he got bullied and, you comforted him. And you were a superhero to your friend by saying those nice things to him.”

Soon afterward, it was our turn at the car line, we exchanged love, and he got out of the car.

When he returned from school, I picked him up from the bus stop. As we walked home, he said:

“My friend’s sibling (a different one – name and gender withheld) was having a bad day on the bus, and we took turns to take care of the situation.”

Me: “Wow! You and your friend?”

Ofu: “Yes.”

Me: “Awesome! What did you guys do?”

Ofu: “Well, we talked to them, and it made them feel better.”

Me: Woohoo! You have been on a roll of being a superhero! Good job! You have done two things that make God very proud of you. I’ll show what they are from the Bible during our bedtime prayer.”

Ofu: “Ok.”

Me: “Good. Now, go and rest and have fun.”

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

Psalm 139:14.

He may or may not have come across this scripture, but Ofu gets it and, in turn, applies it to his bullied friend. I can’t wait to share it with him that he may own it.

Ofu has had his fair share of “bad” days like we all do and has received comfort, so he extends the same comfort to his friend’s sibling.


Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.

2 Corinthians 1:3-4.

Isn’t it amazing what we can learn about our children when we ask them non-threatening questions about happenings in their lives?

  • 9/7/2021

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