You Look More Tired Than Usual.

You Look More Tired Than Usual.

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I picked up Agbenu from school after she stayed back for drama rehearsals.

She was not looking so upbeat. We greeted each other after she got into the car. Then I said, “you look more tired than usual. Are you hungry?”

Agbenu: “Yes, but I’m a little upset.”

Me: “What happened?”

Agbenu: “Some students haven’t been following the rules at rehearsals. They are not a part of the theater team. They are students who go home on the late bus, and they wait at the cafeteria, where we do our rehearsals. They are very noisy and keep recording videos of us during our rehearsals. Our teacher has told them severally to keep the noise down and not record but they just won’t stop. There is a scene towards the end that my partner and I are still struggling with and that’s when they get loudest. It’s so hard to focus. The thing is, I’m not sure who they’ll share the videos with. I’m ok with parents recording the play, but I’m not sure what students will do.”

Me: “I understand your frustration, Mama. Here’s the deal. Do you know that you are a superstar?”

Agbenu: “What?”

Me: “Yes, you are! See, the lives of superstars are always under scrutiny.”

Agbenu: “What does that mean?”

Me: “It’s a fancy word for investigation or observation. See, superstars constantly are being watched, and there are TV channels that do just that. They are gossip channels, and they just broadcast the mistakes of superstars. But superstars are humans, like anybody else. So, I wouldn’t want you to lose your peace by dwelling on your struggles with your scene and the other students recording it. It’s not easy, but that’s what comes with the lives of superstars.”

She breathed a sigh of relief.

Me: “The next thing is: have you ever watched the making of a movie?”

Agbenu: “Is it like where they show what happened behind the scenes?”

Me: “Yeah. But they also show the actual shooting of the movie with the struggles, mistakes, and goofing. It’s fun to watch, and the actors and actresses laugh about it.”

Agbenu: “Oh, yeah! Now, I get it.”

Me: “Great! So can we take the video recordings of your struggle scenes as the making of your play?”

She smiled.

Me: “Maybe in the future, you might want to see it even and laugh about it.”

She kept smiling.

Me: “But here’s the biggest thing that can come out of it. Someday, you will be using your story to encourage someone coming up who will be struggling like you are now. By that time, you will be very successful, and they won’t know how you struggled. But your story will encourage them to keep putting in their best efforts. So, for now, let’s focus on the success ahead. It’s hard, but don’t let anything distract you. I can’t wait to cheer see on stage on Thursday.”

Agbenu: “Thanks, Dad.”

By this time, we were at a gas station to refuel. Her eyes became teary, and I hugged her. She breathed another sigh of relief.

Agbenu: “Thanks, Dad. That was so good.”

Me: “You’re welcome, Mama. Do you mind if I take a picture of us like this?”

Agbenu: “Nope. Are you going to write a story about our conversation?”

Me: “I’d like to if you don’t mind.”

Agbenu: “I don’t mind, dad.”

Me: “Thank you, My Only One!”

Agbenu: “Mmhmm.”

Friends, and here we are! Needless to stress the relieving power of kind words to someone in distress.

Anxiety weighs down the heart, but a kind word cheers it up.

Proverbs 12:25
  • 3/8/22

2 thoughts on “You Look More Tired Than Usual.

  1. Anxiety weighs down the heart, but a kind word cheers it up.

    Proverbs 12:25
    These words are so true and they never fail to lift up my soul.
    Very recently we listened to a short talk about being the conduit of blessing and in that time we talked about the importance of using kind words. Words and the manner in which we use them can have very far reaching effects – good or bad!!!

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