The Effectiveness of Speaking to Strength.

The Effectiveness of Speaking to Strength.

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Ofu and I were in the discussing breakfast. We came to similar options; he wanted pancakes with eggs while I wanted toast with eggs. As we gathered our ingredients, Agbenu joined us; we exchanged greetings, and she asked what we were having for breakfast. I told her that Ofu and I had already made our choice.

Agbenu: “Oh, I was planning to make breakfast tacos for all of us. I’ll ask John if wants it.”

She returned from the game room where John was; and said they both will have breakfast tacos. As she began to gather the needed stuff, I asked:

“Will you ask John to also help with the cooking?”

“Oh, yeah,” she said. Then she went to the game room, and I overheard her say:

“Hey John, in order for it to go faster, will you cook the bacons since you are very good at it?”

John: “Sure!” He sprang to the kitchen, humming a song and got on with cooking the bacons.

As he did, Agbenu got on with making scrambled eggs. I was making my toast and listened as they chatted on a range of cooking ideas starting from how to make scrambled eggs fluffy with the right amount of milk. John talked about the right heating depending on the desired texture of cooked bacon. Agbenu talked about adding spring and regular onions to hers, while John wanted his plain. John was obviously enjoying this as he kept humming a song and dancing gently to it as he cooked. It was so beautiful to see the synergy between them.

Me: “I’m so happy to see how you are working together in the kitchen. I see an excellent teamwork and a wonderful conversation taking place between both of you. I want you guys to keep this up. Always help each other and work together (I can still hear Mama’s voice saying the same to my siblings and me). John, I see that you are using your excellent bacon cooking skills, and Mama is doing an awesome job making the scrambled eggs! Way to go! I love what I’m seeing.”

John and Agbenu: “Thanks, dad!”

John finished cooking the bacons and left for the game room. Then I said to Agbenu,

“Mama, there was something that you did so well, and I want to commend you?”

Agbenu: “What?” (Smiling).

Me: “I like how you asked John to come and help out with the cooking. You did it better than I would have, if I had told him.”

Agbenu: “Thanks, dad.”

Me: “You spoke to his strength. You reminded him that he was good at making bacons and could use his skills to help speed up the cooking. Did you notice how excited he was to come and throughout the time he cooked?”

Agbenu: “Oh yeah!”

Me: “Good job, Mama! See, when you speak to people’s strength, they put in their best efforts. It helps especially boys and men to do better. That was such an effective communication skill. Keep it up, Mama!”

Agbenu: (Smiling) “Thanks, daddy! Are you going to write a story about it?”

Me: “I think I should.”

Agbenu: “Yeah, it will make a good story. I can’t wait to read it.”

Me: “You bet, Mama. Thank you!”

Agbenu: “You’re welcome, daddy.”


Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.

1 Thessalonians 5:11.
  • 5/31/22

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