This grass is crazy… Alexa will it rain tomorrow?

This grass is crazy… Alexa will it rain tomorrow?

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Two days of back-to-back raining! Yesterday my family planned to go swimming. Just as they got ready to leave, their plan got foiled as it started raining.

We planned to go swimming today. Again, just before we made to leave, torrential rains poured and lasted.

Feeling very frustrated, Ofu broke into a profuse wailing and said: “this grass is crazy!”

Me: “Why did you say so?” (holding back my amusement 🤣)

Ofu: “Because it forces the rain to come.”

I sat him on my laps and tried to comfort him.

Me: “So how does the grass force the rain to come?”

Sweetheart: “Oche, had explained to him yesterday that the lawn and plants need the rains to grow, and that it’s ok for it to rain, and that we can go swimming today. And today, it’s raining again.”

Me: “Oh, I see why you are so upset. You must be really sad, right?” He nodded as he continued to wail 😭. “It’s true, the grass needs the rains to grow, so we can continue to have a beautiful lawn. Let’s hope that it doesn’t rain tomorrow, then we can go to the pool.”

Still, he was inconsolable.

So Agbenu got on her tablet, and began to drill Alexa with probing questions: “Alexa! Will it rain tomorrow?… What about Monday?”

It was so funny and cute that everyone, including Ofu, broke out in laughter 🤣. It was just as therapeutic for Ofu, as it was for us who failed in our consolatory efforts.

Reflection: Sometimes as life happens, certain events may be beyond our understanding and may cause us to despair, as was the case with Ofu. In those times, we may be fortunate to be surrounded by loved ones that come alongside to help us make sense of the situation, as Oche did. Some other loved ones may jump in and proactively help to solve the problem or find alternatives, and in the process, uplift our spirit. That was the role Agbenu played. Thank God and what a joy it is, to have such a strong support system. Blessed be our support system. It is priceless! So let us all take up our respective positions in the support machinery. Will you?

  • 7/16/18

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