My Daughter Puts Faith Into Action.

My Daughter Puts Faith Into Action.

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Agbenu says “I’m ready for my training wheels to come off. I’m gonna use Oche’s (big brother) old bicycle to practice. I’m just gonna do it even though I don’t know how because our bible study teacher taught us a lesson that says ‘Trust in God and lean not on your own understanding’.”

As we cheered and Oche provided her physical support and coaching, I couldn’t help but thank God for her understanding of the Word, as well as for living it out, at age 7.

As she takes her baby steps towards getting off her training wheels, I thought of how often we let the fear of failure and uncertainty prevent us from achieving our dreams and goals. Again, like this example from Agbenu, let’s not try to figure it all out, let’s not allow fear and uncertainty prevent us from going after our dreams.

Let’s take our baby steps with what we have per time. We may fall but we must get back up and continue. Before long we’ll see the big picture being formed, then soon after we’d look back and see that goal’s been accomplished!

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.

Proverbs 3: 5 – 6.

– 3/18/17

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