Dad, I’m glad you picked mom to be your wife…Mom, I’m glad you picked dad to be your husband.

Dad, I’m glad you picked mom to be your wife…Mom, I’m glad you picked dad to be your husband.

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Again, behold our daughter, Agbenu aka Mama. She blew our minds again this morning!

I was outside taking care of our trash, while Sweetheart was fixing breakfast.

She came up to me and said, “Dad, I’m glad you picked mom to be your wife.” I was speechless initially but thanked her for her kind words.

When I went back inside and told Sweetheart what Agbenu had told me, she said Agbenu also just told her “Mom, I’m glad you picked dad to be your husband.”

Is she giving us feedback that we are positive role models? It feels like receiving positive feedback from a satisfied customer.

Thank you, Mama!!! You’re truly a treasure, per your name. Mommy and daddy, love you!! I’m sure gonna let this little light of mine shine. Shine on daughter!!!!!

– 7/30/16

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