Dad, who is Jane?

Dad, who is Jane?

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Yesterday, my unit manager gave each of her staff a Valentine’s Day gift. On reaching home last night, I left mine on the kitchen breakfast table.

This morning I sat with Ofu at the kitchen breakfast table as he ate his breakfast. I was just wanted to be present, and he ate quietly for a while only to break it with the question:

“Dad, who is Jane?”

Me: “Jane?” (Pretending to be ignorant)

Ofu: (Without an utterance points 👉 to the card attached to my gift from my manager with her name as the giver.)

Me: “Oh, that’s my boss at work. Ms. Miller (his teacher) is your boss in school, right?”

Ofu: (Nods in agreement)

Me: “That’s how I have a boss at work, and my boss’s name is Jane. So, tell me, what made you ask?”

Ofu: (Shrugged)

Me: “Were you wondering who gave dad a Valentine’s Day gift?”

Ofu: “Yes.”

Me: “No lady, except mom, should give dad Valentine’s card, right?”

Ofu: “Yes.”

Me: “That’s so awesome for you to say so, and I’m so happy that you asked. See, just like your teachers give you gifts on special days, our boss also gives me and my friends at work gifts on special days and she tells us “good job” for doing well as Ms. Miller tells you. So that’s my Valentine’s gift from her. Do you now get it?”

Ofu: “Yeah.”

Me: “This is so good, and I’d like you to always ask me, mom, your teachers, or even your friends when you don’t understand anything they say or anything you see but are not sure of. That way we can explain what it is. Okay?”

Ofu: “Yes, dad.”

Me: “Way to go! Hi-five!”


Accountability partnership with my kids is finally at 360! Oche and Agbenu already have been, and now Ofu is fully tagged!

It was just a couple of “Christmases” ago that Ofu didn’t mind Santa Claus kissing mommy, as long as he got his presents although he said he’ll tell dad.😀 Now, he’s at a no-compromise point where he can question his parents on controversial practices.

And yes! I’m loving this because we can talk about anything and about everything on the foundation safety! Imagine the impression he’d have walked away with if he had not asked.

  • 2/15/19

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