About Me

About Me

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About Me
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Welcome to my Diary of Fatherhood! My name is Joseph Oche. My wife, Patience, and I are blessed with three children. Occasionally, I’m also blessed to be a father figure to somebody.

I love being a father! “So, what?” one may ask! Every father probably loves or should love being one. That’s right! Because all fathers have their richly unique experiences of fatherhood, I cherish my peculiar experience and welcome its challenges cheerfully.

Dairy of fatherhood is a reflective journal of some of my many lightbulb moments in the journey, birthed from my hobby of thoughtful writing. It is hinged upon open, honest, humorous, and safe communication within our family, as well as on my intentional involvement in the lives of my children.

I don’t remember exactly when I started keeping my journals, but it’s been surely over a few years now (my children are currently aged 11 – Oche same as John, 9 – Agbenu, and 7 – Ofu; just to give you a perspective on time). The occasion may be centered on the discussion of an unsettling topic, seeking clarity on a contentious issue, satisfying curiosity, or an account of an event. It will take the entire lifetime of my fatherhood to document all of my highlights. However, being a reflective thinker and learner, I attempt to capture as many encounters as possible. In a lot of the dialogues or experiences, I share my insights as well as use Biblical principles (my dictionary of life), concepts from available parenting resources, and mentors that I have been exposed to, to attempts to explain the thinking behind the episodes. All of life’s occurrences are likely explainable if you apply your belief system or school of thought. I find my explanation of and inspirations for my fatherhood experience in the Bible and its principles, to maintain a healthy relationship with my children, as a vehicle for my ultimate job of raising them.

I am not claiming to be an authority on fatherhood, but I am an authority in my personal experience. By sharing my experiences, I hope they will brighten your day through the contained humor and or inspire you through any insights derived. This is already a gift to my children, and they share in my excitement.

So friends, if this sounds like anything in your life, please subscribe to the blog and join me on the journey by clicking here. What parenting moments have you experienced? What are your cultural perspectives on the gists? Please share in the comments; I’d love to hear from you! 😊

My inspiration? 👇

But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.

John 14: 26