All I Want For Christmas Is A Rock And Roll Electric Guitar.

All I Want For Christmas Is A Rock And Roll Electric Guitar.

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It is that time of the year again! It is the season of love. It is the season of giving. It is the season of light. It is the season of celebrations. It is the season of greetings. It is the season of sharing. It is the season that celebrates unusual joy and happiness. It is the season of decorations. It is the season that celebrates the most unique birthday. It is the longest celebration of a birthday. The accolades for the season are limitless! It is the Christmas season!!! The season we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, our Lord, and savior!!! This unique birthday calls for an extended partying with a unique set of music called the Christmas Carols.

Christmas music blaze through the air all season long and so does the undeniable gay happy feelings that accompany the season. Sometimes we get caught up with a favorite Christmas song! We are a family of music lovers and we can find humor in most circumstances. Please recall the post “Dad, I’m Just Not A Morning Person…” In that post, I wrote about how challenging it is to wake Ofu, my second son, up in the mornings. Eventually, we figured out a system of using his favorite songs as a wake-up alarm. During the Christmas season Chuck Berry’s “Run Run Rudolph” is his most favorite song.

Source: Screenshot of “Run Run Rudolph” – Chuck Berry, YouTube at

As I said, we inject humor in almost all scenarios, so here we are and “Run Run Rudolph” comes on air and Ofu was dancing in no particular style. He was all over the place in excitement. Usually, whenever the part comes along where it says, 🎼”All I want for Christmas is a rock and roll electric guitar”🎼 he’ll pretend to play guitar. Most times we replay the song severally but recently, I got an idea and asked him if he’ll become my Christmas electric guitar.

Ofu: “What?”

I saw excitement all over him as he suspected that I was about to make mischief.

Me: “Come here!”

I opened my arms to carry him and he ran into them. Then I picked him up with his torso across my chest and right shoulder. Then I held his right leg like holding the neck of a guitar and used his lower back as the strings, plucking away in mischief. It was so cute and here we are! 😀😀😀

Since then, anytime “Run Run Rudolph” comes on the air at home he runs to and jumps on me, then literally climbs into the same position so we can enjoy the moment in the fashion we have discovered. Sometimes we’ll just hop about with my arms under his shoulders in a rhythm to the song.

So, typically that’s how we find humor in the ordinary. During the Christmas season, we see, smell and feel the joy, and express it in ways beyond expression.

I also recognize that the Christmas season and other holidays can be a period of grief for some people. This is because of the remembrance and mourning of the loss of loved ones with whom they’ve made pleasant memories. I am sensitive to those whom this may concern because I’ve been there, having lost five siblings, of which two passed in the Christmas season. I’m learning not to park in my pains but walking through it with the help of God’s grace. As a result, I’m inspired, someone else is inspired and I hope you too will be inspired if you are in that spot right now. Above all, walking through my pain as against staying in it helps me to enjoy the so many other pleasant memories of life, which the Christmas season is a big part of.

So, all I want for Christmas is a rock and roll electric guitar! Merry Christmas folks!!🎄

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