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Author: admin

The Things to be Thankful to God for Are Not Farfetched.

The Things to be Thankful to God for Are Not Farfetched.

In this episode, I use three stories to recognize my children for the practical illustrations of their strengths to encourage them to continue building on them. “I Just Wanted to Honor You.” – Oche. In the aftermath of the recent Hurricane Beryl, one of our senior neighbors asked if Oche could assist in cleaning up their yard for pay. He did a good job, and when they offered him the payment, he declined, thanked them, and said, “I just wanted…

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The Mandate.

The Mandate.

What do I see in this? My Number One is cool, calm, and collected with an easy-going approach. My Only One pours her heart into her relationships and everything she does. My Special One is caring, strong-willed, and very aware of his perspective on life. I also see a father who pleasures in being actively involved in the lives of his children. They are all leaders by their rights and producing good results. These are our mandate. The idea is…

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Dad, Are We Financially Unstable?

Dad, Are We Financially Unstable?

As we were putting away our tools after working on our backyard, John said, “Dad, I’d like to ask you a question.” Me: “Sure.” John: “Please, I don’t mean this to be offensive, but I don’t know another way of asking it.” I smiled reassuringly and said, “It’s OK. It’s a question, and I won’t be offended.” John: “Are we financially unstable? The reason I ask is that I noticed that of late, when we’re in the store and I…

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Dad, I’d Like to Talk to You About How You Spoke to John and Me.

Dad, I’d Like to Talk to You About How You Spoke to John and Me.

We just returned from Agbenu’s basketball game. She went into her room and changed from her uniform. She was wrapped in her towel, carrying her laundry basket, and heading down. “Excuse me,” she repeatedly asked John and Ofu, who adamantly played mischief and blocked her from descending the steps. Obviously, she was tired, gave up, and just stood watching. In a firm voice, I said, “Can you get out of her way? She’s been asking you to allow her to…

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Boys Can’t Hit Girls.

Boys Can’t Hit Girls.

As my family and I were walking from the parking lot into the church, I reminded Ofu, “Hey, Papi, please remember to remove your hat when we enter the church.” Then he blotted, “But why?” Me: “Men and boys don’t wear hats in the church.” Ofu: “I want to know why.” Me: “It’s a mark of respect for God as we worship Him. It’s like how we remove our caps when we sing the national anthem.” Ofu: “Ooo! Why is…

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I felt Sad For Him, So I Asked Mom If We Could Buy Him A New Pair.

I felt Sad For Him, So I Asked Mom If We Could Buy Him A New Pair.

While away on a trip, I placed a video call to check on my family. When it got to Ofu’s turn, he said: “Dad, I have something to tell you.” Me: “Tell me, My Special One.” Ofu: “I have been looking for my athletic shoes for a while. Then, I saw another student wearing it. So, I went and told him that those were my missing shoes that I’d been looking for. Then said he was sorry and that he…

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Thank You, Jesus × 1000.

Thank You, Jesus × 1000.

Last week Thursday, a friend introduced me to the “1000 Thank You Jesus” prayer. I never knew of it until then. Immediately I became fascinated with it. It was an answered prayer as I have been wanting to upgrade my prayer of gratitude. I searched for it on YouTube and found it. I was awestruck and fell even more in love with it when I heard the introductory prayer. The soothing background music helped me to relax and concentrate. It…

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A Misunderstood Compliment.

A Misunderstood Compliment.

As I sat with Ofu this morning, waiting to head out to the bus stop, we conversed about how yesterday went. We didn’t get the chance to talk yesterday when I called home to find out about their day. Me: “How was school yesterday?” Ofu: “Good.” Me: “That’s good. Any issues?” Ofu: “Yes.” Me: “What happened?” Ofu: “I gave a compliment to someone yesterday, and he got offended, and then threw his glasses away. I was reported to my teacher,…

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Breaking News: We Lost Papa!

Breaking News: We Lost Papa!

As the title states, we lost Papa, my father on October 26th, 2022. It was two days before our birthday (Agbenu and me), October 28th. Agbenu’s party was scheduled for Saturday, October 29th, so Sweetheart and I decided to hold off on breaking the news to our children until after the party. When we got home and, the excitement began to settle, I signaled Sweetheart and she agreed. So, I called them from the game room: “Hey, guys, we need…

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Go There with Her.

Go There with Her.

At lunchtime, I noticed that Agbenu came down from her room looking stressed after spending all morning taking out her hair. After lunch, I asked her to come down so I could assist her. She gladly accepted. As we loosened her hair, we discussed music as they played in the background and other stuff. From time to time, she felt her hair to assess how much was still left. I kept reassuring her that we were making good progress. Eventually,…

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