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Author: admin

The World Still Has A Lot Of Good People.

The World Still Has A Lot Of Good People.

Ofu got hurt by another kid shortly before leaving school today. Thank God it was not a serious injury. Later in the evening, a kid knocked on our door. There was a car at the entrance of our driveway. When we opened the door, he introduced himself and said: “I just stopped by to check if Ofu is doing okay. I asked my mom to bring me to see him because I knew he was hurting.” We thanked and praised…

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Meditating On The Stations Of The Cross With My Children.

Meditating On The Stations Of The Cross With My Children.

I believe that everybody has a spiritual belief system. Some people believe in the existence of a supernatural being. As Christians, we know this being to be God. Other religions have different names for the supernatural being that they believe in. Some people do not believe in the existence of God or any supernatural being. However, one thing is certain about everyone, irrespective of their belief or unbelief systems. Our practices and behaviors reflect our belief or unbelief in the…

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I’m Inspired By What Inspires You.

I’m Inspired By What Inspires You.

It’s a beautiful spring evening. Agbenu, my daughter is riding her bicycle around the front yard. I came out to be a “Watch Dog” at the same time capture a few thoughts while “self-serenading” over a drink. “This life I can’t kill myself oh… Allow me to flex oh…” Right, Timaya? Thanks to Oche, my son who sees and captures the moment. It’s like “I’m inspired by what inspires you.” I was only trying to be a present father. Infinite…

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In Safety.

In Safety.

We took our children for their routine dental checkups. While in the waiting room, Sweetheart asked if I could excuse myself from her line of vision so she could capture a snapshot of our children. She said: “Every time we come for checkups, their doctors always marvel at how much they have grown, so I want to capture this moment.” That caught my attention and then I looked closely at them. They were watching something on John’s phone. Under their…

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Papa, I Do Not Want To Catch You Again Harassing My Mother.

Papa, I Do Not Want To Catch You Again Harassing My Mother.

This morning, while I was still snoozing in bed, Sweetheart came over and lied beside me then threw an arm and a leg over me, in return for my doing the same frequently to her. She describes it as an old generation way of physically claiming one’s partner. She termed it “Uncle…” style. We find it very humorous. Well, it’s one of our bedroom mischiefs. Then I held her in the position and won’t let go of her. She kept…

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I Came Because I Wanted To Spend Time With You.

I Came Because I Wanted To Spend Time With You.

I invited my kids to come out to run some errands with me. The boys opted out to be at home, each hooked to their games. Not a problem for me. I believe it’s the same reason a man can be alone fishing by himself for hours. Agbenu quickly chose to come with me. Is it because women are more open to deeper relationships? I don’t know, but we’ll soon find out. As we got close to the store that…

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Mom, What Is Breast Cancer Again?

Mom, What Is Breast Cancer Again?

Are you unsettled by that question like I was? Well, this morning, as we were getting ready for school, Sweetheart was listening to a testimony of a breast cancer survivor. Suddenly, Ofu asked: “Mom, what is breast cancer again?” Sweetheart: “We talked about it already.” Ofu: “Yes, but I can’t remember and I wanna know.” Sweetheart: “Well, I don’t know. Ask dad.” Ofu: “Dad, what is breast cancer?” Me: “It’s a lump in the breast. Do you know what a…

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Dad, Santa Isn’t Real!

Dad, Santa Isn’t Real!

Please recall my previous post titled “I’m About To Break My Children’s Hearts.” This one is a 3-part post. Part One Today, Joy, my sister-in-law, and I had a brunch “play date.” This is the time she and I meet up for family support talks, share recipes, and have fun. I was in the kitchen making us my new formula toast sandwich when Agbenu charged in from the game room crying and said: “Dad, Santa isn’t real! Why did you…

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I’m About To Break My Children’s Hearts.

I’m About To Break My Children’s Hearts.

For the past four years, Agbenu wrote Santa Claus every Christmas. Ofu has written twice. John (Oche) wrote twice (one was real, the second was a play-along). “Santa Claus” always replied to their letters. John stopped believing in Santa Claus at the age of ten, when, at midnight on Christmas day, he snuck up on “Santa” and “Mrs. Claus” putting their gifts under the Christmas tree. Kindly, he kept it to himself until the next Christmas, then told Sweetheart and…

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Can I Help?… That’s Why We Are Men.

Can I Help?… That’s Why We Are Men.

Sweetheart received a text message from our neighbor informing us that a branch of a tree in our backyard fell on our fence. We rushed into our backyard to assess the situation. I saw that we could use our saw to cut off the excesses and relieve the pressure from our fence and the street. There was a minor damage to our fence, which I could fix with my DIY tools. I called and notified my work that I’ll be…

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