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Author: admin

All I Want For Christmas Is A Rock And Roll Electric Guitar.

All I Want For Christmas Is A Rock And Roll Electric Guitar.

It is that time of the year again! It is the season of love. It is the season of giving. It is the season of light. It is the season of celebrations. It is the season of greetings. It is the season of sharing. It is the season that celebrates unusual joy and happiness. It is the season of decorations. It is the season that celebrates the most unique birthday. It is the longest celebration of a birthday. The accolades…

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There’s One Option Left.

There’s One Option Left.

Whenever we say our prayers at bedtime, and the children retire to their rooms, it does take a little while for them to shut down and sleep. However, Ofu who is not a morning person takes even a longer time. (Click here for the post “Dad, I’m Just Not A Morning Person…”) Usually, he’ll come back downstairs to report a quarrel between him and one of his siblings; to say he’s thirsty or hungry. Sometimes, we tell him he is…

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Snoozing In With Dad.

Snoozing In With Dad.

As young children, whenever we were woken up to prepare for school, my siblings and I would say we wanted to say good morning to our father first. As we stormed his bedroom and greeted him, he would open his arms wide to hug us, then we’d pile on him, with some of us on either side of his arms, all covered with his comforter. This usually gave us, maybe an extra five minutes of snoozing and the coziness was…

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“Dad, I’m Just Not A Morning Person.” So We Count Down From 10 to Zero And Blast Off!šŸš€šŸš€

“Dad, I’m Just Not A Morning Person.” So We Count Down From 10 to Zero And Blast Off!šŸš€šŸš€

(Laughing) Yeah, you may be wondering where that came from or what it could be all about. I’ll tell you. We grew up (by we, I mean my contemporaries) with the understanding that the optimal way to structure our day is the 8-hour workday, typically beginning in the morning (like 7 am – 3 pm, 8 am – 4 pm and 9 am – 5 pm). That was the typical work schedule for our parents, and I believe school schedules…

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I Enjoyed Singing With You

I Enjoyed Singing With You

It’s Sunday and I went to 9 am Mass with my sons, Oche and Ofu. Oche sat between me and Ofu, and as we sang a mixture of an English and a Spanish song, I was impressed by Oche’s participation. The crack in his puberty voice was prominent and he was singing more like a grown-up. His Spanish class was paying off indeed as his Spanish accent pronounced in the Spanish sections of the song. At the end of the…

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God Helps The Ones Who Help Themselves (?)

God Helps The Ones Who Help Themselves (?)

This is a pillar post! Awakened by the approach of a person. I thought it was Sweetheart returning from a restroom break. Then I felt the light tap on my legs. It was Agbenu. “Dad,” she said, “my stomach hurts.” I sat up and helped her to bed, propped her up between me and Sweetheart. I looked at the time, it was slightly past 3 am. I said some comfort words and began to sleep. After a while, she tapped…

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Dad, You’re Gonna Be Still Cool Right?

Dad, You’re Gonna Be Still Cool Right?

This post is two-fold and I wrote it over two days. I completed the first part on the first day, and I thought it was over. However, the next day a follow up on the first day’s discussion gave it a new flavor. Yesterday morning we were getting Agbenu and Ofu ready for school. Sweetheart was working on Agbenu’s hair and I was assisting Ofu. While I knelt to apply an additional moisturizer of coconut oil over his leg, Agbenu…

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Does Your Daughter Get Everything She Wants?

Does Your Daughter Get Everything She Wants?

Recently, someone asked me if my daughter’s got me wrapped around her little finger. In pretense, I smiled and replied: “I don’t know what you mean.” In response, they clarified with “does your daughter get everything she wants?” I smiled again and said, “Nope! But she sure knows how to ask for what she wants.” And that’s my emphasis! This how she usually goes about her requests: “Dad, I know we don’t have to, but please can we or can Iā€¦?”…

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Dad, The Game Room Toilet Is Clogged.

Dad, The Game Room Toilet Is Clogged.

Agbenu: “Dad, the game room toilet is clogged, it won’t flush.” Oche: “Ew!!!” Me: “Oche, don’t say that. Mama, it’s not clogged, I turned off the water because something is messed up and the water won’t stop running when the tank fills up. I’m sorry, it’s my fault I should have told everyone. Agbenu: “It’s ok.” Me: “I’ve already called the plumber and he’ll be here to fix it in the afternoon.” Agbenu: “So, what are we going to do?”…

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Home Alone With My Kids.

Home Alone With My Kids.

Ok, so earlier today I was at home with the kids. They were at their best behavior and cooperated excellently with me. The story of my failed attempt at successfully multitasking the coordination of scheduled activities goes thus: I was doing the laundry, troubleshooting a failed service over the phone, and trying to reach an agreement with a handyman who’d come to carry out some repairs for me, when “suddenly” it was lunchtime. Having established what my trio wanted for…

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