Can I get a piggyback ride now?… Is that daddy’s donut?

Can I get a piggyback ride now?… Is that daddy’s donut?

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Can I get a piggyback ride now?

Ofu recently began missing being piggybacked by his Mom. Mom’s been telling him her back hurts.

Last night he offered to massage her back, which he did very well. After a while, he came back and asked, “mom, does your back feel better?”

Mom said, “yes son, thank you.”

Ofu then asked, “so can I get a piggyback ride now?”

… Stepping into the realm of ‘word processing’ in the first week of turning 5 😄 😄 😄 😄. I’m glad he’s learning how to use a kind attitude to achieve his end. Keep it up, son!

– 6/16/16

Is that daddy’s donut?

This package 👆 came from our auto insurance company, then our 4-year old son, Ofu asked, “is that daddy’s donut?” 👇

Very hilarious!!! 😂 😂 😂

– 6/11/16

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