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Dad My Butt Is Itchy!

Dad My Butt Is Itchy!

Ofu rushes in from the backyard and said: “dad, my butt is itchy.” Me: “Come on, let’s check it out.” (With dramatic urgency, I led him to my bathroom). Ok, let’s see what’s going on.” Before, a blink of an eye he took off his pants and underwear, flipped over, and positioned himself for assessment. It was so cute 😁 😁 😁. Me: “Where is it?” Ofu: “Right there.” (Points to the left “cheek” but didn’t touch it). Me: “I…

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Mom, Dad I got this!

Mom, Dad I got this!

Our doorbell rings. Oche checks to see. It’s our daughter’s friend. She asks, “Please can Agbenu come outside to play?” From the game room, in a melodious tone, Ofu yells out “she’s pooping!” Agbenu’s Friend: “Oh, ok, I’ll come back later.” Once she left, we made to speak with Ofu but Oche said, “mom, dad I got this!” Oche: “Ofu, come here!” Ofu arrives. Oche looks into his eyes, with both hands on his shoulders. Ofu looks back with a…

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Burt Reynolds and Fatherhood: A Tribute

Burt Reynolds and Fatherhood: A Tribute

A tribute to Burt Reynolds on his death, on ET on KPRC Local 2, 9/7/18. In the video he was carrying his child on his laps: You can’t hug, kiss and tell your kids ‘I love you’ enough, and let them pour their drinks on you without getting angry. Burt Reynolds Identifying with his feeling, and immediately after watching it, I called Ofu who came running. I sat him on my lap and said, “I can’t hug, kiss and tell…

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Let’s talk puberty!

Let’s talk puberty!

Recently, I had a breakout of pimples, and while I was treating my face, Oche come into my bathroom and we had an interesting conversation. Oche: “Dad, I thought only people who are going through puberty have pimples. Why do you have them?” Me: “I get what you mean. Actually, pimples start with puberty, and after puberty, some people stop having them. Some people, like me, continue to have them occasionally way into adulthood. That’s why I have all these…

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Digging deeper into the realm of intelligent conversations with my kids.

Digging deeper into the realm of intelligent conversations with my kids.

They’ve come a long way indeed. They engaged me with some real spiritual questions at the dinner table this evening. Oche: “So dad, (as he always calls out to grip my full attention) what happens when a person who believes in God marries someone who does not believe in God?” Me: “Good question, son. That’s part of what I learnt today at my bible study. If a person who believes in God marries someone who does not believe in God,…

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My son holds me accountable for my choice of words!

My son holds me accountable for my choice of words!

A female colleague calls me for clarification while my son and I were carrying out a task, so I answered her on the speaker. At the end of our discussion, I said, “see you tonight,” and hung up. Then Oche (my son) asked, “dad, what do you mean by ‘see you tonight’?” 😔 I had to explain how I always work into nights, and that by the time I’m closing from work, others are resuming, so that’s when I see…

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What Racism Is And What Racism Is Not: A Discussion Between My Kids.

What Racism Is And What Racism Is Not: A Discussion Between My Kids.

While assisting my kids to get ready for school this morning, and as we chatted along my son began updating me about a new kid in his class who also rides on the same school bus with them. Then my daughter chipped in: Agbenu: “Is he black, white or brown? Oh! That’s being racist!” Oche: “No mama, that’s not being racist. It’s ok to describe somebody by their color. But when you use someone’s color to make fun of them…

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My Daughter Puts Faith Into Action.

My Daughter Puts Faith Into Action.

Agbenu says “I’m ready for my training wheels to come off. I’m gonna use Oche’s (big brother) old bicycle to practice. I’m just gonna do it even though I don’t know how because our bible study teacher taught us a lesson that says ‘Trust in God and lean not on your own understanding’.” As we cheered and Oche provided her physical support and coaching, I couldn’t help but thank God for her understanding of the Word, as well as for…

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Mom, I want to lie on your body.

Mom, I want to lie on your body.

Bedtime story read. Night prayers said. Love you and goodnight exchanged Ofu: “Mom, can you carry me?” Mom: “No Ofu, you need to lie down on your bed.” Ofu: “But mom, can you carry me?” Mom: “No Ofu. If won’t go to bed in your room, then lie down on the couch.” Ofu: “But mom, the couch is too hard for my body, I want to lie on your body.”… 😂 😂 – 3/19/17

Can I get a piggyback ride now?… Is that daddy’s donut?

Can I get a piggyback ride now?… Is that daddy’s donut?

Can I get a piggyback ride now? Ofu recently began missing being piggybacked by his Mom. Mom’s been telling him her back hurts. Last night he offered to massage her back, which he did very well. After a while, he came back and asked, “mom, does your back feel better?” Mom said, “yes son, thank you.” Ofu then asked, “so can I get a piggyback ride now?” … Stepping into the realm of ‘word processing’ in the first week of…

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