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Dad please can you buy me another house shoes?

Dad please can you buy me another house shoes?

Ofu woke up early, came to our bed and cuddled between me and his mom. After a while, he began to roam between our bedroom and his, his siblings were still in bed. Me: “Ofu, can you put on some socks to keep your feet warm? It’s cold.” He disappeared for a while then returned to my bedroom without wearing his socks. Bt this time, I was sitting on the edge of our bed, so he climbed onto me like…

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Dad, why do we have to dress up so fancy?

Dad, why do we have to dress up so fancy?

Every Christmas season, since the last 2 years my family volunteer to serve in the annual event of Angels of Light event. It is one of the programs sponsored and hosted by the Second Baptist Church aimed at serving the Greater Houston Community by reaching out to the community to make a difference through meeting the needs of neighbors (the less privileged). The guests are called Angels of Light. The angels are transported for free to and fro the event….

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Did you guys dance like that?

Did you guys dance like that?

Still relishing the Christmas season in the coziness of the New Year’s Day night, Sweetheart and I were watching the “The Princess Switch” movie while the kids were going about their business in the game room. After a while, Ofu walked in drably to us and said: “I’m bored, I don’t know what to do.” To quickly pacify him so I can continue watching the movie, I said: “come, let me carry you and let’s watch this movie together.” For…

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Everyone’s grandparents are here but mine are far away.

Everyone’s grandparents are here but mine are far away.

“Go Green Machines! Go Green Machines!! Go Green Machines!!!…” So was the chant as families and supporters celebrated the victory of Ofu’s Green Machines soccer team, a match in which he scored a hat-trick. However, he comes over unexcitedly with dropped shoulders and said, “everyone’s grandparents are here but mine are far away.” It was so touching that initially, I had no comfort words to offer, especially that it was so unexpected at a time he should be ecstatic about…

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Dad, yesterday Ms. Miller told us “Ofu’s dad will be making a presentation tomorrow.”

Dad, yesterday Ms. Miller told us “Ofu’s dad will be making a presentation tomorrow.”

While getting ready for school Ofu said: “Dad, yesterday Ms. Miller told us “Ofu’s dad will making a presentation tomorrow. Tomorrow is also pajama day.” Me: “Really? (Beaming with a smile 😊) Did she tell you what I’m going to be presenting.” Ofu: “Not me, she told us.” (There goes my concrete learner 😅) Me: “Oh ok. Did she tell y’all what I’m going to be presenting?” Ofu: “Yes, she said snakes.” Me: “How did that make you feel?” Ofu:…

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Dad, have you heard from Jesus yet?

Dad, have you heard from Jesus yet?

Ofu lost his privilege of playing Roblox several months ago as a consequence of displaying challenging behaviors whenever he lost a game or encountered a difficulty. He’s been made aware that he will only be allowed back to playing Roblox when he puts up acceptable behaviors even with a loss of a game or in difficult situations. However, he won’t back down with persuasions for permission to resume playing. Sometimes, when I’m gone for a long time (working), and Sweetheart…

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My friend told me the reason why we can’t play together is that their parents don’t like us.

My friend told me the reason why we can’t play together is that their parents don’t like us.

In this post, the identities of my child and their friend’s are protected due to its sensitive nature. My Child: “My friend told me the reason why we can’t play together is that their parents don’t like us.” Me: “Come here” (soothingly, and I sat my child on my lap.) “I know.” My Child: “You know?”😮 Me: “Yes, I do. So how does this make you feel?” My Child: “Sad.” 😔 Me: “I know, and I’m sorry. I don’t remember…

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Double-Check Your Answers Before You Submit.

Double-Check Your Answers Before You Submit.

Whenever our children revise for tests, we usually add a quick pep talk on test-taking strategies which includes: Not rushing through the test but maximizing the allotted time Reading the instructions before answering questions Reading the questions completely before answering them because the beginning of the questions may be familiar, but the tweak may be at the end of it Double checking answers before submission. When they return home with their scripts we also review and work on the areas…

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Dad, but I was only trying to help…😢

Dad, but I was only trying to help…😢

I found Oche’s cellphone case lanyard attached to a piece of scrap item. Me: “Oche what is your phone lanyard doing attached to this spring or whatever?” Oche: “It doesn’t stay attached on my phone. It keeps coming off.” Me: “So why is now attached to the scrap? You could have asked for help.” Oche: “Ok, I’ll take it out.” He had a kind of lackluster attitude which made me guess he doesn’t like it, maybe. After a few unsuccessful…

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Why do people call God ‘a jealous God’ if He’s never sinned?

Why do people call God ‘a jealous God’ if He’s never sinned?

You can’t go wrong with spending time together as a family! There’s always something to take away. Sweetheart, Agbenu, and I were in the kitchen making Puff-Puff (deep-fried dough), chatting away and with some of our favorite gospel songs playing in the background. Suddenly, Agbenu interjected: “Oh yeah! Mom, dad, why do people call God ‘a jealous God’ if He’s never sinned?” Sweetheart and I were simultaneously speechless, blown away and excited! Me: “Mama, that was such an awesome question….

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