Dad…I want to pay you back but I don’t know how.

Dad…I want to pay you back but I don’t know how.

Spread the love

It was a just like any Saturday morning and Agbenu had her gymnastics class to attend. As we got up to go, she got her sling purse and threw it on.

Sweetheart: “Mama, I don’t think you need your purse.”

Agbenu: “I have my playdate checklist in it and I’d like to talk with Erin about it when we see at the gymnasium. I’ll keep with my shoes and sweeter in my cubby.”

Sweetheart: “But the cubby is open and someone could take it.”

As made to intervene, Agbenu said:

“Ok, I’ll leave it in the car.”

Once in the car and on our way, it was taking forever for the heater to overcome the winter chill so I gave her my jacket.

Me: “You can cover up with my jacket until it warms up.”

Agbenu: “Thanks dad, that’s so kind of you.”

Me: “You’re welcome, My Only One.”

As we got out of the car upon arrival at the gymnasium and as I was locking up, I noticed she didn’t have her purse (forgetting that she said she’d leave it in the car).

Me: “Where is your purse?”

Agbenu: ” Oh, I left it in the car and covered it with your jacket.”

Me: “Let’s get it, I’ll hold it.”

Agbenu: “Ok. Thanks, dad.”

Me: “Sure.”

So fast forward to the end of class, and back in the car. Again, I offered her my jacket as the car heated up.

Agbenu: “Thank you, dad you’re so kind. And thank you so much for all that you teach us. I love you so much. I want to pay you back but I don’t know how.”

Filled with awe, and with a happy emotion-laden voice, I replied:

“I love you too Mama, thank you so much for saying so.”

Agbenu: “You’re welcome.”

Me: “You’re already paying me back by using what you’re learning from me, so you don’t have to do anything extra to pay me back. The only thing that I’ll ask for is for you to continue using them and teach it to others.”

Agbenu: “I will dad.”

Me: “Good! So Erin didn’t make it, right?”

Agbenu: “Yes. I really wanted to discuss our playdate checklist with her before she comes over. Her mom isn’t answering her phone. Mom’s been trying to reach her.”

Me: “I know what you mean. I’m sure you’ll still have fun even if you don’t go over the checklist first. Would you like to read it to me?”

Agbenu: “Yes” (excitedly and read through)

Me: “That is so awesome! Good job, Mama!”

Agbenu: “Thank you.”

Me: “You know, you could have written it in your colorful notebook where you write your stories. That way you can keep track of important things.”

Agbenu: “Oh, yeah! I can write it when we get home.”

Me: “Good. And remember to write the date on top of the page.”

Agbenu: “Ok.”

Me: “Writing a checklist for any activity is a good way of staying organized and making sure that everything is done, and that will make you a more successful person.”

Agbenu: “Mm-hmm.”

In my mind, I made a fist pump and said “Yes! It’s working, keep at it!” 😊❤ The joy of getting feedback from my kids is too personal to be described. So:

Dear God, Our Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of my children. Thank you for helping me to be actively present in their lives. Please continue to use me to teach them and help them to learn and use all that You give me to teach them. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen! 🙏

  • 2/9/19

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