Dad My Butt Is Itchy!

Dad My Butt Is Itchy!

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Ofu rushes in from the backyard and said: “dad, my butt is itchy.”

Me: “Come on, let’s check it out.” (With dramatic urgency, I led him to my bathroom). Ok, let’s see what’s going on.”

Before, a blink of an eye he took off his pants and underwear, flipped over, and positioned himself for assessment. It was so cute 😁 😁 😁.

Me: “Where is it?”

Ofu: “Right there.” (Points to the left “cheek” but didn’t touch it).

Me: “I don’t see anything going on there but it’s all sweaty. So, let’s do some things that will make it feel better. Let’s clean it wipes, put on some ‘stop-itch’ cream, and then you change your underwear.”

Ofu: “Ok”

So, I took some disposable wipes, wiped both sides, and applied hydrocortisone (broad spectrum relief) cream.

Me: “All done! Now put this underwear in the dirty laundry basket, go and put on a clean one, then go back to your play but come and tell me if your butt continues to itch.”

Ofu: “Ok dad” (then off he went).

As he continued with his play, dashing in and out of the house, after a while, I asked: “Ofu, are you ok?”

Ofu: “Yeah.”

Me: “Is your butt still itchy?”

Ofu: “No.” (He barely looked at me as he answered, not distracted from his play by my follow-ups. I concluded the problem has been resolved.)

Besides finding the interaction endearing, I came away with some insights.

First, I related it to the nursing cycle: ADPIE (Assessment – looking, feeling for rashes; Diagnosis – discomfort due to (r/t – related to) skin irritation; Planning – having First Aid supplies and a course of action readily available; Implementation – providing treatment or care, and encouraging him to report further discomfort; and Evaluation – following up to ascertain treatment effectiveness).

Secondly, and more importantly the vibe of trust was very evident. He came with a glaring expectancy for me to fix his “itchy butt,” which, thanks be to God, was resolved. While it is natural for a six-year-old to be open to their parents, I believe a trusting relationship would be the basis for them to disregard all sense of modesty, and comfortably as well as mischievously expose their perineum/perianal area in the manner he did. It was all in my face, like “take it.” 🤣 🤣 🤣

Beyond the now and the cuteness lies in me, a very personal joy. If he would still readily flash at me for the same discomfort ten years from now, then I believe God will have a very special place for me in heaven, in addition to my personal fulfillment as a parent. I pray that whatever his “itchy butt” might be as he grows older, he will continue to trust me as his go-to man, as needed. I also pray that all parents, parental figures, and mentors will continue to foster enabling environments for thriving relationships with their children, wards or mentees.

Son, your “itchy butt,” your place of vulnerability is safe with me, bring it on anytime 24/7!

Photo Credit: Franchelle Boateng
  • 4/12/18

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