Dad please can you buy me another house shoes?

Dad please can you buy me another house shoes?

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Ofu woke up early, came to our bed and cuddled between me and his mom. After a while, he began to roam between our bedroom and his, his siblings were still in bed.

Me: “Ofu, can you put on some socks to keep your feet warm? It’s cold.”

He disappeared for a while then returned to my bedroom without wearing his socks. Bt this time, I was sitting on the edge of our bed, so he climbed onto me like a tree then molded and fitted himself into my bosom.

Ofu: “Dad please can you buy me another house shoes?”

Me: “eh… maybe, but what happened to the ones you have?” (Of course, I know… misplaced for several days now due to carelessness)

Ofu: “Someone took them?” (Buck passing instead self-accountability 😮)

Me: “Really? Who did?”

Ofu: “I don’t know.”

Me: “Did you leave them on the steps or in the game room with your other shoes?

Ofu: (Silent, he knows where I was heading)

Me: “Where is the best place to store your shoes?”

Ofu: “In my closet.”

Me: “Exactly! How you been storing your shoes in your closet?”

Ofu: “No.”

Me: “Would you like to see my closet?”

Ofu: “No.”

Me: “Why?”

Ofu: “Because I don’t need to see it.”

Me: “Now, tell me the real reason. Is it because you’ll feel sad that my shoes are organized in my closet and yours are not?” (Smiling 😊)

Ofu: “Yes.” (Shyly)

Me: “I don’t mean for you to be sad. I just want you to see that I’m also doing what I’m asking you to do, so you can learn from it. Come on, let’s see it.”

Ofu: “Ok.” (Agreeing with reluctance)

Me: “Do you like what you see?”

Ofu: “Yes.”

Me: “See, my shoes are safe here and ‘someone’ can’t get them from my closet. Also, when I need to wear them, I know exactly where to find them and I don’t stress out looking for my shoes when we are about to go out. Can you do that?

Ofu: “Yes.”

Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith.

Hebrews 13: 7.

Me: “Good. That means mom and I will stop going after you to put away your shoes in your closet right?” (I hope 😉)

Ofu: “Yes, but it’s not just me. How about John?” (Oche)

Me: “Ok, yes, you and Oche. Now, why don’t start by picking up your shoes by the steps and arrange them with the others in your closet? Maybe you’ll find your house shoes after you sort them out.”

Ofu: “Ok dad” and off he went (🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️)

That was my tweak of the popular admonition “do as I say and not as I do” to “do as I say AND as I do”. I’m called to lead them (children) by example. It was an opportunity for me to correct and teach without employing the tactics of naming and shaming. I pray that he imbibes the skill and transfers it to other aspects of life (of course with the help of refresher courses 😀).

And did he find his house shoes? Yes! 😊 👇

  • December 28, 2018

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