Dad, What Are We Going To Do For Mom On Her Birthday?

Dad, What Are We Going To Do For Mom On Her Birthday?

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This a 2-day fold post.

Day 1

The day before Sweetheart’s birthday, Ofu and I were doing our morning routine of getting him ready for school when he popped the question:

“Dad, what are we going to do for mom on her birthday?”

Me: “Very good question. This is what I’m thinking. First, I’ll take her out shopping and then we’ll go to a nice restaurant for lunch. I plan to buy a card for you, John, Mama (Agbenu) and me so we can write her beautiful messages and read them to her. How do you like that?”

Ofu: “I like it.”

Me: “Good. So can we talk about it when you guys get home from school? I’ll call you at my lunchtime from work and the four of us can discuss it. It will be a secret and mom doesn’t have to know what’s going on. Deal?”

Ofu: “Deal!” He responded with excitement.

We sealed it with a “high-five” and went out for breakfast.

At my lunchtime, I called them as planned. They rallied each other to the guest room. Their excitement was palpable. After the greetings and each sharing the highlights of our day, I briefed them about the plan per my conversation with Ofu as above. I encouraged them to write their messages ahead of getting the cards and that mine was already drafted. They all agreed with the plan and that we can all do a fun activity during the weekend to celebrate with Sweetheart.

Day 2

After the kids left for school, Sweetheart went out to run some errands. As soon as she left, I dashed to the store and bought our cards. Upon return, Sweetheart wasn’t back yet. I quickly placed the children’s cards under John’s bedside radio. Then I copied my message into my card.

When she returned, we got dressed up and she had some photoshoots before we went out.

She settled for a traditional Mexican restaurant which we had anticipated visiting before now and we enjoyed a beautiful lunch in its ambiance. Good food and great service, what can beat that? Above all, Sweetheart was delighted. Afterward, we went for her shopping.

When our kids returned from school, they asked with eagerness for her updates on how she enjoyed her day. Sweetheart shared her highlights with them and showed them her gifts, which they were excited about. I also showed them a musical sideshow of Sweetheart’s pictures that I made. They also loved the song, one of my all-time bests, Backstreet’s “U Blow My Mind.” It was beautiful! Then they recessed as they would normally do after school to unwind. It was during that time that they wrote their messages on their cards.

Agbenu took over the kitchen. She insisted that Sweetheart take out time to relax and do something she enjoys doing. Before our night-time prayer, we (I and the kids) got our cards, took turns, and read our messages to Sweetheart. It was so special to her as well as to me and our children. She felt loved and truly appreciated.

Marking the day for Sweetheart was the main deal. In addition to that, was a heightened sense of responsibility for me and our children. The excitement of working as a team to plan and having our private meetings and discussions is treasured. Overall, beyond expressing our love, it was a blessing that I and our children were able to communicate to Sweetheart that we cherish her. It is registered in the minds and it is my prayer that we will continue to grow in cherishing our loved ones.

If Ofu should ask me again, “Dad, what are we going to do for mom on her birthday?” In one word, my answer will be “cherish.”

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. 

Luke 12:34.

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