Dad, yesterday Ms. Miller told us “Ofu’s dad will be making a presentation tomorrow.”

Dad, yesterday Ms. Miller told us “Ofu’s dad will be making a presentation tomorrow.”

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While getting ready for school Ofu said: “Dad, yesterday Ms. Miller told us “Ofu’s dad will making a presentation tomorrow. Tomorrow is also pajama day.”

Me: “Really? (Beaming with a smile 😊) Did she tell you what I’m going to be presenting.”

Ofu: “Not me, she told us.” (There goes my concrete learner 😅)

Me: “Oh ok. Did she tell y’all what I’m going to be presenting?”

Ofu: “Yes, she said snakes.”

Me: “How did that make you feel?”

Ofu: “Surprised.”

Me: “What made you surprised?”

Ofu: “Sssnnnaaakesss.”

Me: “Scary?”

Ofu: “Yeah, but I’d like to see them.”

Me: “Me too, I’m scared of snakes too. But I learnt something about them, which I’ll share with y’all tomorrow. Ok. How else did you feel?” “

Ofu: “Cool.” 🕶

Me: 😊 “How else?”

Ofu: “Happy.”

Me: “Good! Let’s stay happy.”

That’s part of why I do these science demos. Hopefully, the “coolness” and “happiness” of daddy’s science demos will translate into inspiration.

So why do a demo with live snakes? I’m still trying to come to terms with the fact that I did it, like you may be wondering (I feel).

It’s a part of 2nd grade Texas Essential Knowledge & Skills for safe and healthy practices. CyFair ISD Science Resource Center rears nonvenomous snakes in a controlled environment and provides training on their facts and handling.

Still insufficient justification? Yes!

I still think very few people are into snakes, and I’m certainly not one. When I received the training for the demo, I opted for the glass tank display option while other trainees were very excited to handle them. Of course, the facts (spared) indicate that they are nonvenomous and that they are safe for handling, hence safe for demos.

However, having noticed that more people than I expected were comfortable with snakes I asked if any teachers will be willing to handle them: I got two volunteers who are veteran snake experts! Needless to say that they did an excellent job during the demo and the kids had a wonderfully exciting experience, petting and even holding them. In addition, they saw models of venomous and nonvenomous snakes, as well as assorted products of snake skins.

Although, facts about identifying venomous and nonvenomous snakes were shared. The kids were informed NOT to touch snakes in nature, even if identified as non-venomous. The snakes used for the demo are nonvenomous ones reared in the science resource center just for our learning.

Now, are you ready for this?

Finally, I asked the kids, “so do you all think that I’m good with snakes?”

They all screamed an ecstatic “yes!!!!!”

Me: “Ok, the truth is I’m afraid of snakes, and I don’t like snakes.”

From expressions of shock to disappointment they responded with dull cries of “nooo!”

Me: “Yes. That doesn’t mean I hate them and go about hurting or killing them. They are part of nature. So did I appear scared?”

Students: “No!!!!”

Me: “Exactly! See, we’re all scared of something sometimes. Some people can’t stand on the stage and speak to people, but I can. They’re too nervous to try. I get nervous too, but I just don’t let it stop me. I pretend not to be scared and over time, I get better. That’s courage for me. Sometimes, we need the help of other people to be able to overcome our fears. So, when I trained to do this demo, I said I’m afraid of snakes and can’t touch them. I was supposed to bring them in glass tanks, so you can just view them. But, I spoke and asked if any of your teachers are comfortable with handling live snakes, so they can help me. Then Ms. Garza and Ms. Dwoskin agreed to help, and they did a great job of showing us the snakes. So let’s clap for them.”

All: 👏👏👏👏👏

Me: “So when you’re afraid and can’t help yourself, please talk to somebody and get help. Then you will be encouraged to do your task. Most of the times our fears are not real when we do what we have to do. See, at the beginning of the demo I couldn’t touch the snakes but at the end of it, I held them with the help of Ms. Garza and Ms. Dwoskin, also because you all pet them. For those of you who keep snakes as pets in your homes, you were very good with them. (e.g. 👇)

Again, please don’t go looking for snakes to mess with outside in nature, that’s not being brave. Ok?”

Students: “Yes.”

Me: “Good! Clap for yourselves.”

All: 👏👏👏👏

Later at home.

Me: “So how did you like the demo?”

Ofu: “It was so cool, dad. I and friends talked about it all day.”

Me: “How did you feel?”

Ofu: “Super cool!” 🕶

I take “super cool” to mean inspired! Mission accomplished.

  • 12/14/18

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