Digging deeper into the realm of intelligent conversations with my kids.

Digging deeper into the realm of intelligent conversations with my kids.

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They’ve come a long way indeed. They engaged me with some real spiritual questions at the dinner table this evening.

Oche: “So dad, (as he always calls out to grip my full attention) what happens when a person who believes in God marries someone who does not believe in God?”

Me: “Good question, son. That’s part of what I learnt today at my bible study. If a person who believes in God marries someone who does not believe in God, that person can become distracted from doing what God wants him or her to do. You know, when you get distracted you make mistakes, get delayed or you don’t complete your task. And that has consequences, right?”

Oche: “Right.”

Me: “So that’s what can happen if the two get married. For example, if either I or mom, didn’t believe in God we won’t be praying together, we won’t go to church together, we won’t understand a lot of things together, then there’ll be a lot of confusion in the family. That means our family won’t work so well. Can that be good?”

Oche: “No.”

Me: “So that’s why it is better for someone who believes in God to marry someone who also believes in God. But that doesn’t mean if someone doesn’t believe in God you should hate them. You still have to be nice and kind to them. So do you get it now?”

Oche: “Yes dad, thanks.”

Agbenu: “So why did Jesus not get married?”

Me: “Good question too, Mama. See, Jesus had a very special assignment. He came to save to world and he was going all over the place. If he had been married, he probably wouldn’t have spent time with his family. Can you imagine if I was too busy doing my job, so much that I never spent the time you, your brothers and mom?”

Agbenu: “That won’t be good.”

Me: “Right. So that’s why Jesus wasn’t married, and that’s ok. Some people choose to not get married so they can do what God wants them to do but it’s a personal decision. For example, Fr. Sean, and Fr. Ralph at Christ the Redeemer Church are not married. They decided to not get married so they can concentrate on their work of being priests.”

Oche: “But is Pastor Jacye not married?”

Me: “Yes, I was coming to that. See, being married or not being married does not make you a better person before God. Being married doesn’t stop you from doing what God wants you to do. In fact, being married is also doing something that God wants. That’s why Pastor Jacye is married. So, are you ok?”

Oche and Agbenu: “Yes.”

Me: “Good questions guys!”

Oche and Agbenu: “Thanks, dad!”

They’ve come a long way indeed!

– 2/20/17

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