From Boyhood Towards Manhood.

From Boyhood Towards Manhood.

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To enjoy what men enjoy, boys should first learn to do the work that men do. For them to enjoy the rights and privileges of manhood, they should first learn to take ownership of the responsibilities of men.

Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.

Genesis 2:24.

The scripture says, “A MAN” not a boy shall leave his parents. How many men left their parents as men? I think a lot left with a skewed view. So whose job is it to teach boys to become men? Fathers!

It is my responsibility to teach my sons to become men with a balanced understanding of manhood before they become independent male adults. Likewise, fellow fathers and brothers, it is your responsibility to do the same for your sons. It is our responsibility! Let’s come together and get it done!

How do we do it? By modeling, and providing hands-on experience to teach them. When we model good leadership, our sons watch us and, that’s usually proceeded by their desiring it and then imitating us. Telling them to go and do it won’t cut it! However, inviting them to participate with us is a good place to start. Also, it gives them a sense of belongingness and accomplishment. Finally, praise, praise, and praise them! We don’t do that enough but it is a free morale booster with a tremendous effect!

Having watched me and his mom mow our lawn over the years, lately, Oche has been asking to follow suit. We thought he will need a smaller lawnmower but haven’t followed through to buy one. As we worked on our lawn today, I decided we should let him try with our lawnmower, after all, he’s an athlete (I thought). After a pep talk, he latched onto the machine, and the rest was a homerun, with intermittent praises.

In the end, I said, “well done, you did an awesome job!”

He beamed with a big smile of accomplishment and said, “thank you!”

Me: “How do you feel?”

Oche: “I feel pretty good that I finally mowed our lawn. And we don’t need to buy a smaller lawnmower.”

Me: “I’m so proud of you. Keep up the good works. You’re doing great, and I know you will become a responsible man.”

Oche: “Thanks, dad.” (Smiling)

It’s no longer just mine and Sweetheart’s job to mow our lawn, in addition to the occasionally paid lawn mowers, now we have Oche gladly sharing the responsibility with us.

That was my opportunity today to train my son. So, brothers and other fathers, whatever yours is, cash in on it. It is our responsibility to teach our sons so they can launch well into responsible manhood! When they do so, the rights will naturally follow. Let’s come together and get it done!

  • 6/16/20

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