I felt Sad For Him, So I Asked Mom If We Could Buy Him A New Pair.

I felt Sad For Him, So I Asked Mom If We Could Buy Him A New Pair.

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While away on a trip, I placed a video call to check on my family. When it got to Ofu’s turn, he said:

“Dad, I have something to tell you.”

Me: “Tell me, My Special One.”

Ofu: “I have been looking for my athletic shoes for a while. Then, I saw another student wearing it. So, I went and told him that those were my missing shoes that I’d been looking for. Then said he was sorry and that he got them from the lost and found section. And that he has since asked his parents to buy them for him, but they haven’t. So, I said, but I still want them back because I still need them. Then he took them off and gave them to me. I felt sad for him, so I asked mom if we could buy him a new pair, and mom agreed. So, we bought him a new pair.”

Me: “Wow! That is so kind of you to have done so, My Special One! I’m so proud of you. So, what did he say? How did he feel?”

Ofu: “He was happy but didn’t accept them because his parents decided to buy it him for him.”

Me: “Well, Papi, I’m still very proud of you for many reasons. First, you were confident to ask for your shoes. You didn’t feel so sorry that you couldn’t speak up. That’s so awesome! Second, you saw a need and solved it by asking mom to help you get a new pair of shoes for the kid. That’s being a problem solver! You’re the man! For being so kind, you now got a new pair of athletic shoes for your reward.”

Ofu: “No, I told mom to return it to the store.”

Me: “Wow! You did?”

Ofu: “Yeah, because I don’t need it.”

Then Sweetheart chipped in:

“Yes, I offered for him to keep them, but he said he doesn’t need them and that he’d rather keep his old shoes and that I should return it to the store and get a refund.”

Me: “Papi, I’m even prouder about you. You always keep what you need only and give out what you don’t need. Again, you have shown that you are not a greedy person. I’m so impressed with you!”

Ofu: “Thanks, Dad. Are you going to write it in ‘Diary of Fatherhood’?”

Me: “I would sure like to. Would you like me to write it.?”

Ofu: “Yes.”

Me: “Deal! It’s done! One more thing, Papi. You’re such a wise boy. Most kids your age would not have made such a kind choice; they would have kept the new shoes. When I was your age, I, too would have kept the new shoes. See, it seems like getting more and more of new stuff is better, but it’s not always better. For knowing that, you are a man of wisdom! Again, I’m so proud of you, My Special One, and I love you so much!”

Ofu: “Thanks, dad. I love you, too. Bye, dad.”

He was all excited as he handed the phone back to Sweetheart. We were both excited with him for showing such assertiveness, compassion, and contentment. This story is a testimony to the quality of Ofu’s personality. As we enable our children to freely share their stories and actively listen, we will see tangible pieces of evidence of their character. Equipped with this evidence, we can qualify them into descriptive terms, as in this case: assertiveness, compassion, and contentment. With these qualifying terms, we can give them targeted praise to help them continue with such behaviors and to develop their character profiles.

  • 10/18/2022

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