If the base is not strong, it might fall. No, not might, it will fall!

If the base is not strong, it might fall. No, not might, it will fall!

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It was the morning following the launch of Diary of Fatherhood. I had just told my kids as they were preparing for school that my blog site is now live.

All: “Yeah!!!!πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽŠπŸŽŠπŸŽŠπŸŽ†πŸŽ†πŸŽ†

As the initial excitement died down, Oche said:

“Oh yeah! Dad, I need to show you what I did in my art class yesterday.”

Me: “Sure!” (Excitedly)

He led me to the game room.

Oche: “Look, dad! I built a “J” from cardboard paper.”

Me: “That’s so cool!” (Of course 😊). Tell me how you made it.”

He went on to tell about the materials and procedure. Each side has a flat surface. πŸ‘‡

Oche: “Now.” (He picked it up and shook it.) Do you hear the sound of pebbles?”

Me: “Yes.”

Oche: “Ms. Curtis (his art teacher) said we need to throw them in before we seal the top because if the base is not strong, it might fall. No, not might, it will fall!”

That was the game changer statement!

Me: “Oh wow! That’s so true.”

Oche: “Yes, and that’s how my “J” is able to stand by itself.”

Me: “Exactly! That’s how a house is able to stand. It’s must have a strong base, called foundation or else the house will crash. See, those skyscrapers…”

Oche: “Mm-hm!”

Me: “…as tall as they are, their foundations are very deep into the ground. The big tree on our front yard also has strong and deep roots or it can easily be uprooted by storms.”

Oche: “Yeah, we learned that in science.”

Me: “Good. That’s how our lives are too. We must have a solid foundation for our lifestyles. Remember how mom and I are always talking with you about taking ownership of your responsibilities?”

Oche: “Yes.” (Not so excited now, probably thinking “let’s not go there” but he listened respectfully)

Me: “One word that sums them up is ‘discipline.’ Discipline is our foundation or the “strong base” for our success as people. Just like your “J,” without a strong base of discipline in every area of our lives, we can’t be successful. Basically, discipline helps us to be efficient and effective. Remember our discussion about your homework?”

Oche: “Yeah.”

Me: “I’m so glad you told me about your ‘J.’ Every time you see it standing on its strong base, I’d like you to always remember that discipline is our strong base for success. Come on, let’s pray so you can be off.”

Prayers said, blessing spoken over him, “love you,” hug, and “bye” exchanged. Then off he went to school.

What an awesome opportunity to drive home the message! ❀ The more I engage with my children even if through just active listening, the more the chances for teaching moments. In most cases like this one, we set out to talk about anything or whatever then along the line a cue pops which leads to a learning moment.

  • 1/31/19

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