I’m About To Break My Children’s Hearts.

I’m About To Break My Children’s Hearts.

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For the past four years, Agbenu wrote Santa Claus every Christmas. Ofu has written twice. John (Oche) wrote twice (one was real, the second was a play-along). “Santa Claus” always replied to their letters.

Letter from Santa to Agbenu and Ofu 2019
Letter from Santa to Agbenu 2016 and 2017
Letter from Santa to Agbenu and Ofu 2018
Letter from Agbenu to Santa 2020
Letter from Ofu to Santa 2020

John stopped believing in Santa Claus at the age of ten, when, at midnight on Christmas day, he snuck up on “Santa” and “Mrs. Claus” putting their gifts under the Christmas tree. Kindly, he kept it to himself until the next Christmas, then told Sweetheart and me that he figured out the identity of Santa the previous Christmas but will play along so that Agbenu and Ofu can enjoy their excitement. We thanked him for being so thoughtful.

Last year, in her letter to Santa Claus, Agbenu restated her belief in him but stated that some are claiming that he is not real, and kindly asked if he will prove himself to her. In his reply, “Santa” reassured her and encouraged her to trust what her parents said about him.

Ofu has not expressed any doubt yet. He tags along whenever Agbenu rings the bell.

So here we are in 2020! I had hoped that Agbenu would somehow figure out the real status of Santa and outgrow the fantasy of him. No! She’s determined to find out if Santa is real. Sweetheart told me earlier that Agbenu expressed doubt in Santa’s existence. So, I said to refer her to me if she raises questions again.

This afternoon, I was making cornbread when she came up to me and said:

“Dad, I have a question.”

Me: “Bring it!”

Agbenu: “Is Santa real?”

Me: “Hmm. What made you ask?”

Agbenu: “You know, every year that I write him a letter, you don’t let me put it in our mailbox by myself. You always say you would post it.”

Me: “Hmm. I’m sorry about that. I’m not sure if I didn’t let you put it in the mailbox or if it’s because we didn’t have stamps at home then, and I had to go to the post office to mail them off.”

Agbenu: “Ok, that’s one (smiling). The other one is, you know, last Christmas, I saw the same wrap that Santa wrapped our gifts with your room.”

Me: “I see” (pretending to think aloud).

Agbenu: “That’s why my faith in him is so shaky this year. I still believe in him, though, so I’m going to give him a chance. I know he doesn’t usually give me everything on my list, and I understand because there are so many poor kids. So, this year I’m going to ask for just two things and ask that he let me see him.”

Me: “Oh, ok, we’ll see how that goes. And, I’m going to let you post it by yourself.”

Agbenu: “Yeah. I better start early; so he can get it on time. Come on Ofu, let’s write our Santa’s letters.”

Off she went with Ofu to write their letters. Once they were through, she requested to use some postage stamps, which I granted.

Agbenu: “Ok, dad (smiling). I’m ready to post them. So once I drop them in our mailbox, I should turn up the flag, right?”

Me: “Yes, that way, the mail worker knows that you posted letters. But be sure to take out any mails in the box first. Otherwise, they’ll take everything along.”

Agbenu: “Ok.”

As she went, I looked out through the window and saw the mail delivery van driving up the street across. It will be our turn soon. My thoughts were racing! Once she returned, she laid down on the sofa and started reading a book. Quickly, I pretended to grab something from our deep freezer in the garage. I quietly opened the garage door and snuck outside, then retrieved the letters from our mailbox. I hid them quickly in the garage and quietly closed the door. She was either engrossed in her reading, carried away by her childhood naiveté, or both that she didn’t suspect me. However, I was ready to be caught if it came to that.

Back to the kitchen, to my cornbread, I thought to myself, “Oh, I’m about to break my children’s hearts.” I pray that God will help them to understand the extent that parents can go to ensure that their children get what they need. In my case, all I’m doing is to actively enhance their enjoyment of their childhood fantasy to the full extent of my creative ability. We’ll see how it goes when “Santa” replies.
God help me. Amen!

I find consolation in:

…for the Holy Spirit will teach you at that time what you should say.-

Luke 12:12.

I also find consolation in:

If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!

Matthew 7:11
  • 11/28/20

4 thoughts on “I’m About To Break My Children’s Hearts.

  1. I Guess, they shall all meet santa unveiled soon,then move to the next llevel of interactive processing. Enjoy 😉

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