I’m Inspired By What Inspires You.

I’m Inspired By What Inspires You.

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It’s a beautiful spring evening. Agbenu, my daughter is riding her bicycle around the front yard. I came out to be a “Watch Dog” at the same time capture a few thoughts while “self-serenading” over a drink. “This life I can’t kill myself oh… Allow me to flex oh…” Right, Timaya? Thanks to Oche, my son who sees and captures the moment. It’s like “I’m inspired by what inspires you.”

I was only trying to be a present father. Infinite Intelligence is always speaking and inspiring. I just have to listen to it, receive it, and act on it. Be encouraged to do the same at your post, friend.

Yet I am always with you; you hold me by my right hand.

Psalm 73:23.

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