In Safety.

In Safety.

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We took our children for their routine dental checkups. While in the waiting room, Sweetheart asked if I could excuse myself from her line of vision so she could capture a snapshot of our children. She said:

“Every time we come for checkups, their doctors always marvel at how much they have grown, so I want to capture this moment.”

That caught my attention and then I looked closely at them. They were watching something on John’s phone. Under their masks (in observance of COVID-19 protocols), they giggled. It was so pleasant to see and so I also snapped them without making it obvious. As I looked at the picture in admiration, I received an inspiration titled: In Safety.

In safety, we are still together.

In safety, we remain one.

In safety, we are still united.

In safety, we continue to make memories.

In safety, we share love.

In safety, we remain inseparable.

In safety, we protect each other.

In safety we make progress.

In safety, we leave none out or behind.

In safety, we are bold.

In safety, we play.

In safety, we have blasts.

In safety, we love.

In peace, I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, Lord, make me dwell in safety.


I am ever open to receiving inspiration. Why? Because inspiration is constantly being given by Infinite Intelligence. I just have to be present and in synchrony.

But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.

John 14:26.

Folks, as we love and are loved, let us deliver and receive it in safety. Let us be in the moment and be ready to be inspired. And finally, let us act on the inspiration received and then there will be beautiful results!

  • 3/18/21

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