My friend told me the reason why we can’t play together is that their parents don’t like us.

My friend told me the reason why we can’t play together is that their parents don’t like us.

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In this post, the identities of my child and their friend’s are protected due to its sensitive nature.

My Child: “My friend told me the reason why we can’t play together is that their parents don’t like us.”

Me: “Come here” (soothingly, and I sat my child on my lap.) “I know.”

My Child: “You know?”😮

Me: “Yes, I do. So how does this make you feel?”

My Child: “Sad.” 😔

Me: “I know, and I’m sorry. I don’t remember if we hurt them and they didn’t say so. I would have apologized to them. Your friend is a very good person and they really like you. That’s why they told you so. You and they are still good friends. Right?”

My Child: “Yes, and we want to keep being friends. We already planned to make up for our missed play dates at recess.”

Me: “Excellent! Way to go! Hi-five!🙋‍♂️ Now, what do you think will happen if their parents found out that they told you?”

My Child: “They will be mad at them.”

Me: “Exactly. So, we will carry on as if they didn’t tell you. That’s the wise thing to do, so it doesn’t look like you told on them. Ok?”

My Child: “Yes, dad.”

Me: “Good. Do you think your friend’s parents will allow her to come on a playdate with you?”

My Child: “No.”

Me: “Me too. What do you think will happen if they sneak over for a playdate?”

My Child: “They’ll get into trouble with their parents.”

Me: “Exactly. I don’t think that your friend will do that, but I just want us to think about what can happen. I’m sure that they’ll listen to their parents, so they don’t get into trouble.”

My child nods in agreement.

Me: “I’d like you to do the same. Now that we know that their parents don’t like us, we must be wise and be safe. Remember how mom and I are always telling you and your siblings to stay away from people who don’t want to be with you?”

My Child: “Yes.”

Me: “It’s the same thing here. Please do not go over for a playdate. If someone doesn’t like you, they may hurt you when you go close to them. As your parents, it’s our job to protect you from danger. So please listen and obey what I’ve just told. Ok?”

My Child: “Ok, dad.”

Me: “Good. It’s the safe thing to do. See, even though their parents don’t like us, we have never acted mean to them whenever we see them. Right?”

My Child: “Right.”

Me: “We just greet and mind our businesses. That doesn’t mean that we hate them. Remember Jesus said we should pray for our enemies.”

My Child: “Wait. So, are they our enemies?” 😮

Me: “No, my child they are not our enemies. I believe what Jesus meant is that even if they’re our enemy we should still pray for them so they can have a change of heart but it doesn’t mean we should throw ourselves at them so they can like us or we should become careless then they hurt us by surprise. I hope that they don’t think that we’re are their enemies, anyway, that will be their problem, not ours. Got that?😊”

My Child: “Yes, dad.”

Me: “So you and your friend should continue to remain friends and play with each other in school. When y’all become adults, nobody will be able to tell you who to or not to be friends with. Keep being nice, and don’t forget all that we’ve talked about. Also, know that your guardian angel will always help you to make good choices, you just listen and obey, and you’ll be safe. So how do you feel now?”

My Child: “Good. Thanks, dad, I love you.”

Me: “I love you too, child and you are special (Hugs.) Now go have some fun.”😊

My Child: “Thanks, dad.”

Phew! What will instigate one to display an unwarranted hatred of another person to their child? I think that will be a too much unnecessary burden to bear for me as an adult let alone pass it on to my child. I’m glad that we could see the situation through the lens of our Christian values, and I pray that I’ve been able to purge my child’s mind of the toxin, as well as equip them with some tools for self-cleaning. So, help us, God. Amen! 🙏

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