From Boyhood Towards Manhood.

From Boyhood Towards Manhood.

To enjoy what men enjoy, boys should first learn to do the work that men do. For them to enjoy the rights and privileges of manhood, they should first learn to take ownership of the responsibilities of men. Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh. Genesis 2:24. The scripture says, “A MAN” not a boy shall leave his parents. How many men left their parents…

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But Dad, Mom What’s Your Reward?

But Dad, Mom What’s Your Reward?

Towards the end of 2019, I attended a reading fair for middle-schoolers with Oche, my first son, and Eneh, my niece. At the end of the fair, I challenged us to read at least one book every month in 2020. Then I suggested a plan that can help us to achieve our reading goals. Here is the plan: divide the total number of pages of a selected book by the number of days in the particular month, and that will…

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Corona Virus: Why Is There So Much Fear If Only 16 People Have Died?

Corona Virus: Why Is There So Much Fear If Only 16 People Have Died?

I wrote a post on my Facebook titled: “The Spread Of The Mad Man’s Fire: COVID-19 Shows We Are More Connected Than Separated.” It is available at this link  An excerpt from the post reads: “We are all compelled to utilize the downtime to bond with our families… For those of us, who are now homeschooling our children through the online resources of school districts, we are better appreciating the works and patience of school teachers…”  That is a true…

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Is It Like Coronavirus?

Is It Like Coronavirus?

I just renewed antiviral protection for our computers. Ofu: “Dad, what are you doing?” Me: “I’m getting protection for our computers from viruses.” Ofu: “Is it like coronavirus?” 😀😀😀 Me: “Yes, but this type of virus only attacks computers.” Ofu: “Ok, dad.” Me: “Were you scared?”😊 Ofu: “Kind of.” (With a gesture) Me: “Not to worry. We are safe and our computers are safe. Ok?” Ofu: “Ok, dad.” I’m talking about heightened awareness and reassurance! Let’s stay safe and healthy…

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Standing In The Gap For My Family In Strange Times Of Traveling.

Standing In The Gap For My Family In Strange Times Of Traveling.

“Those who have deep spiritual aspirations should not feel that the family detracts from their growth in the life of the Spirit, but rather see it as a path which the Lord is using to lead them to the heights of mystical union.” – Pope Francis (Amoris Laetitia, #316, p. 247). Amoris Laetitia means “The Joy of Love” is a document written by Pope Francis addressing the pastoral care of the family. This reflection holds true for me and more…

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That’s Why We Call You Mama.

That’s Why We Call You Mama.

Sweetheart and Ofu are at his scout meeting. I’m baking chicken. Agbenu is playing Amazon Song Quiz. Oche is studying for his math benchmark test scheduled for tomorrow. Oche comes down from his room to the kitchen and goes into the pantry. He asks Agbenu: “Mama, do you want noodles for dinner? I’m about to make some for myself.” Agbenu: “No, thanks. I had an early dinner. I can make it for you so you can keep studying for your…

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I Wanted To Make New Friends But They Didn’t Want To Play With Me.

I Wanted To Make New Friends But They Didn’t Want To Play With Me.

Ofu returns from school, Agbenu and I pick him from the bus stop. Agbenu had a doctor’s appointment earlier so she only went to school for half-day. She was excited to experience picking up her younger brother from the bus stop. We welcomed him after he got off the bus and as we walked back home, I asked him: “Were you worried that you didn’t see mama on the bus with you?” Ofu: “No, Ms. Salinas told me that you…

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It’s Alright (Send Me).

It’s Alright (Send Me).

I was going to drop off Agbenu and Ofu in school and we were listening to Winans Phase 2. As soon as “It’s Alright (Send Me)” began to play, I rocked my head and sang along. Agbenu: “You like this song, daddy.” Me: “Yes, I do. Do you see the title?” Agbenu: “Mmhmm… It’s Alright (Send Me).” Me: “Yep! They’re are saying if God needs someone to go and do His will, He can send them.” Agbenu: “Oh… Just like…

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Dad, If You Don’t Mind Me Asking, What Was So Urgent?

Dad, If You Don’t Mind Me Asking, What Was So Urgent?

On the Sundays that I work, I attend the 9 AM Mass alone before heading to work, while my family attends the 11 AM service. Recently, Ofu indicated that he would be going with me, and occasionally Oche would join us. This morning I went to the 9 AM Mass alone. I didn’t wake Ofu up to go with me because I suspected that he would drag us late because he was still awake at midnight last night. So I…

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My Fatherhood Journey.

My Fatherhood Journey.

I recall that when I become a father, my aunt looked at me and said, “young dude,” as she fondly calls me, “no one can teach you how to be a father. It is something that you will learn as you go.” It was a pregnant statement that continues to be relevant as the events of my fatherhood unfold. Generally, who and what I am now is shaped by my upbringing, past experiences, and personal development. There are so many…

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