Dad, I Wish You Had Two Jobs.

Dad, I Wish You Had Two Jobs.

Late Spring in Houston can be hotter than the peak of Summer elsewhere with low humidity. So, it was on this hot Spring day, and we decided to make the most of it because it doesn’t take us much to have fun. We set up our inflatable swimming pool under the shade of the oak tree in our front yard. I sat back and watched with satisfaction as our children played and cooled off. After a while, Agbenu ran to…

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Dad, Is God An Angel?

Dad, Is God An Angel?

Every time I drive with my children, I anticipate an engaging discussion. This afternoon we were driving to my brother’s house for a crawfish boil party when Ofu broke the ice with the question: “Dad, is God an angel?” Me: “No, God’s not an angel. He made the angels. God is too big to be described.” Where did that come from? How do I begin to tackle this one? What is the most age-appropriate answer to his question? I wondered…

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My Best Friend Says, She Likes Me And I don’t Know What To Do.

My Best Friend Says, She Likes Me And I don’t Know What To Do.

I made a routine call home to check up my family. After catching up with everyone, Sweetheart told me that Oche returned from school and told her about his encounter with a girl who is crushing on him, and she didn’t know how to really advise him. Instantly, I became very excited at the juicy opportunity to be involved in helping him out. As inviting as it was, I didn’t just jump in straight away. I told Sweetheart that he…

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Lessons From Ofu’s Right Foot Injury.

Lessons From Ofu’s Right Foot Injury.

It’s Saturday, a day we sleep until we wake up, except if there’s an early morning activity. Sweetheart and I were still snoozing when Agbenu woke up and came to greet us. After exchanging greetings and hugs, she said: “Ofu’s right foot is hurting and he can’t stand on it, so I came down to get him an icepack.” Me: “What happened?” (Still sleepy) Agbenu: “Oh! He hurt his foot on the trampoline yesterday. He wasn’t flipping like the last…

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Why would Ofu Dress Up to Impress His Teacher?

Why would Ofu Dress Up to Impress His Teacher?

While preparing for school this morning, Ofu said, “I want to dress up fancy and wear my bow tie, so Ms. Miller can say ‘Ofu, you look handsome and nice.’” Sweetheart: “Really?” Ofu: “Yeah.” Me: “That will be so cool.” Ofu: “Yeah.” After he left for school, I relayed Ofu’s message to Mrs. Miller to which she replied: “Thank you!!! I did tell him how handsome he looks today!” So why would Ofu dress up to impress his teacher? My…

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Can You Take My Child And Teach Him?

Can You Take My Child And Teach Him?

During the summer vacation Sweetheart and I encouraged our children’s writing skills by engaging them in essay writing about their fun experiences such as places visited, parties, vacation bible schools, etc. Each of them got a colorful jotter to help stimulate the appeal. Of course, they didn’t jump at the idea, like they were expecting a great opportunity to shine. No! It took a little bit of convincing. We told them that when school resumes after summer vacation or any…

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Dad, I’ve Never Seen You Talk Like That Before.

Dad, I’ve Never Seen You Talk Like That Before.

Have you ever yelled at your child to stop yelling? Yes, I have. The first time I did, it was one of those nights after a very exciting day. It was a really fun filled day with lots to eat and drink, and the children still definitely had high sugar levels at bedtime. Bedtime routines had bed completed and night prayers had been said, and off they went to “bed.” All three cramped into the boys’ room, Agbenu sleeps with…

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So Did God Give Me The Bad Dream Or Did The Devil?

So Did God Give Me The Bad Dream Or Did The Devil?

This morning, Agbenu woke up and came to our bedroom to say good morning. After we exchanged greetings and hugs, she sat at the foot of our bed with a dejected demeanor. Me: “Are you ok, mama?” Agbenu: “I had a bad dream.” Me: “Ok, tell me about it.” Agbenu: “I know this is not true because it’s only a dream, but it scared me. So, we were somewhere, and I can’t really describe the place. God was there and…

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“What Is Your Biggest Achievement?” – “Being A Parent.”

“What Is Your Biggest Achievement?” – “Being A Parent.”

Ok, it wasn’t I who said that originally. Please stick with me and you’ll discover how I found it relevant to be used as the title of this post. I had just settled down to watch “An Interview With God” on Netflix. It caught my attention last night after identifying a different movie to watch before bedtime. So I was really looking forward to seeing it. We had agreed that today will be no hand-held device day. Sweetheart had gone…

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He Actually Doesn’t Have An Accent Like In The Movie.

He Actually Doesn’t Have An Accent Like In The Movie.

My kids were watching an interview with Winston Duke on YouTube (M’baku in Black Panther) when suddenly Oche said: “He actually doesn’t have an accent like in the movie.” Me: “He doesn’t have an accent?” Oche: “Yes, he doesn’t. See.” (Unsuspicious of the context of my question.) Me: “But he does.” Oche: “Ok. You know in Blank Panther he has an accent like when he said ‘you cannot talk one more word, and I’ll feed you to my children..’” 👉🏿…

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