Dad, My Pee-Pee Hurts!… But Girls Don’t Have Pee-Pee.

Dad, My Pee-Pee Hurts!… But Girls Don’t Have Pee-Pee.

All three children had dental appointments today and while we’re preparing, Ofu was still sleepy so I assisted him to the bathroom for morning urination. While I talked to him to encourage his alertness and to snap out of sleep mode, he said: “Dad, my pee-pee hurts.” Me: “Where does it hurt?” Ofu: “Right there.” (Locates by pointing) I did a quick physical assessment – genital and urine normal. Me: “Does it hurt only when you pee or at all…

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Yeah, I’m a Beast!

Yeah, I’m a Beast!

Last week Ofu was absent from school because he contracted the flu. We (Sweetheart and I) requested for his activities so we can help him to keep up, which he did. Upon his return to school this week, the activities were graded, and he did very well.πŸ•ΊπŸΎπŸ•ΊπŸΎπŸ•ΊπŸΎ This morning as he was getting ready for school we had the following discussion: Me: “Special!” (Short for My Special One: I call each of my three kids a unique pet name. Oche…

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They Are Not Dirty People.

They Are Not Dirty People.

Recently I discovered a sauce as a byproduct of one of my recipes. It was so good that we all agreed for me to make it on a larger scale. This evening, I did, and it turned out to be even better than the initial one. Well, after I was done with cooking, I decided to do the dishes and to communicate something to my kids. Me: “Oche, Mama.” Oche: “Yes, dad.” Agbenu (Mama): “Yes, sir.” Me: “I know that…

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If the base is not strong, it might fall. No, not might, it will fall!

If the base is not strong, it might fall. No, not might, it will fall!

It was the morning following the launch of Diary of Fatherhood. I had just told my kids as they were preparing for school that my blog site is now live. All: “Yeah!!!!πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽŠπŸŽŠπŸŽŠπŸŽ†πŸŽ†πŸŽ† As the initial excitement died down, Oche said: “Oh yeah! Dad, I need to show you what I did in my art class yesterday.” Me: “Sure!” (Excitedly) He led me to the game room. Oche: “Look, dad! I built a “J” from cardboard paper.” Me: “That’s so cool!”…

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Dad…I want to pay you back but I don’t know how.

Dad…I want to pay you back but I don’t know how.

It was a just like any Saturday morning and Agbenu had her gymnastics class to attend. As we got up to go, she got her sling purse and threw it on. Sweetheart: “Mama, I don’t think you need your purse.” Agbenu: “I have my playdate checklist in it and I’d like to talk with Erin about it when we see at the gymnasium. I’ll keep with my shoes and sweeter in my cubby.” Sweetheart: “But the cubby is open and…

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Dad, how did your sisters die?

Dad, how did your sisters die?

I just love the naivety and curiosity of kids! They just don’t run out of startling questions and ideas. Earlier on, this evening we decided to go to a county park to play instead of our neighborhood one. As we drove there, I don’t know if it had anything to do with the music or something said on air but suddenly, Agbenu asked: “Dad, how did your sisters die? I don’t mean to make you sad but I’m just curious.”…

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Dad, but I got an ‘A’ on the Math test.

Dad, but I got an ‘A’ on the Math test.

Once again, we revisit the issue of assuming and taking ownership of one’s responsibilities with Oche. Sweetheart and I received an email explaining the new grading system and emphasizing the importance of the continuous assessment scores to the overall grade. Firstly, timeliness in submitting homework and other assigned tasks caught our attention. Next was attentiveness. We’ve been having an ongoing conversation about tardiness, and not rushing carelessly through his work. So with the email pulled up, I invited him for…

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Dad, who is Jane?

Dad, who is Jane?

Yesterday, my unit manager gave each of her staff a Valentine’s Day gift. On reaching home last night, I left mine on the kitchen breakfast table. This morning I sat with Ofu at the kitchen breakfast table as he ate his breakfast. I was just wanted to be present, and he ate quietly for a while only to break it with the question: “Dad, who is Jane?” Me: “Jane?” (Pretending to be ignorant) Ofu: (Without an utterance points πŸ‘‰ to…

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Caution! Don’t be too eager to share your fatherhood experience so that you neglect to be a father!

Caution! Don’t be too eager to share your fatherhood experience so that you neglect to be a father!

In the countdown of launching my Diary of Fatherhood, I was excited crossing my t’s, dotting my i’s, and trying to meet my target. I had planned to use the few hours that I had this morning to upload some posts before heading to work. Kids are off to school, Sweetheart went out to run her errands, home is quiet and conducive for me to concentrate on my tasks. πŸ•ΊπŸΎ It felt too hot, so I went upstairs to turn…

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Dad is sex the same as…?😯

Dad is sex the same as…?😯

Earlier on today I was taking Agbenu and Ofu to an activity. I was listening to a downloaded podcast from Focus on the Family entitled “Learning From History’s Great Men and Women.” The guest speaker was Eric Metaxas. Soon Agbenu broke the silence by asking: “Dad is this KSBJ? (a contemporary Christian music radio station). Me: “No.” Agbenu: “Oh, ok.” Me: “What made you ask?” Agbenu: “The talk sounds like what they say on KSBJ.” Me: “You’re right. I heard…

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