Papa, I Do Not Want To Catch You Again Harassing My Mother.

Papa, I Do Not Want To Catch You Again Harassing My Mother.

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This morning, while I was still snoozing in bed, Sweetheart came over and lied beside me then threw an arm and a leg over me, in return for my doing the same frequently to her. She describes it as an old generation way of physically claiming one’s partner. She termed it “Uncle…” style. We find it very humorous. Well, it’s one of our bedroom mischiefs.

Then I held her in the position and won’t let go of her. She kept looking over her shoulder at our cracked-open door. After a while, she said:

“The kids would soon walk in on us “

Then I started “snoring.”

Soon, Oche came in to greet us as he got ready for school. He came and stood beside us, with arms akimbo and asked in a mischievous husky voice:

“Hey, what’s going on here?”

Sweetheart: “Dad held me in a booby trap.”

Oche tapped my shoulder and in the same tone asked:

“Is that true?”

Me: “No, she’s just enjoying my body just as I enjoy hers. It’s just our little bedroom mischief.”

Then I continued snoring.

Oche: “Mom, is that true?” He asked with the same mischievous husky voice.

Sweetheart shook her head in disagreement.

Oche: “Hey! Let her go!” He peeled my hand off her then Sweetheart had a burst of victory laughter. Continuing with the tone, he “warned” me with a finality, “Papa, I do not want to catch you again harassing my mother.” Then with a disposition of conquest, he walked proudly away.

When he and his siblings were much younger children, Sweetheart and I used to pull fast ones on them. Whenever I hugged Sweetheart, we held each other for a while until we caught their attention. Whoever saw us first would raise an alarm for the others by calling out “to the rescue!” Oche would wrap his arms around my waist and Agbenu would wrap hers around Sweetheart’s waist. Ofu would get between Sweetheart and I then push us apart while Oche and Agbenu pulled us apart. They always celebrated jubilantly after separating us. Oche and Ofu would walk me away to one extreme, while Agbenu walked Sweetheart away to the other.

I am glad that even as a much older boy he is seeing Sweetheart and I playing our bedroom mischief. I believe it was a gift for him to see how dad and mom play romantically. I believe that it has also registered in his memory for recollection and to act on in his time. Finally, it is pleasing to see him steadfastly come to mommy’s rescue. I am sure that he gets it that boys and men are to protect wives, moms, sisters, girls, and ladies.

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

Proverbs 22:6.
  • 2/27/21

2 thoughts on “Papa, I Do Not Want To Catch You Again Harassing My Mother.

  1. Even more important a lesson to re-emphasise to our children /young people (male gender in particular) in our circle of influence especially in this season where women/girls are routinely on the receiving end of violence and violent behaviour. It is our responsibility as parents firstly and adults on the other hand to demonstrate constantly by how we interact with ourselves as spouses on the one hand and on the other hand as adult to adult ( as friends / colleagues /team mates etc) the correct and expected behaviours.

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