Surrounded by love in the eye of the storm! – Post-Hurricane Harvey

Surrounded by love in the eye of the storm! – Post-Hurricane Harvey

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In spite of the unimaginable and indescribable Hurricane Harvey that stormed Texas, I see beauty through God’s eyes. I see the American strength that is enshrined her constitutional statement, “We, the people…” Beyond the pain and fear, inspiring and beautiful love stories like this are being written.

Americans of diverse backgrounds are pouring out in their droves to assist each other. From traveling across state borders to hours of boat sailing from neighboring cities and regions, came selfless, owner-funded boats and high-water capable vehicles used to evacuate stranded Houstonians and Texans. In addition, some provided supplies to the various evacuation centers, while others volunteered in their distribution to flood victims. As my family and I prepared our contributions, our kids were excited but also inquisitive. In reply, Patience and I tied our supplies to the prayer we’ve been praying, “God, please provide for the flood victims,” – we pray and, act through sharing. I saw this love in action, at our local Transtar Emergency Operations Center at LSC-CyFair where we were helping out earlier. America is truly a great nation and blessed! That cannot be taken away! When push came to shove, “We the people…” held us all together. Supplies and volunteers reached to all, irrespective of political party affiliations, race, religious or ideological beliefs.

On the Home front, and while in the middle storm, what would normally be irritating became a sign of sustained life – the “noise” and the energy of our children. Imagine containing fired up children indoors for 5 days! It was like a room filled with cats. Of course, they were aware of the flooding and we prayed all along, as I’m sure, everyone else connected to their source of strength or touchstone. However, after prayers while we, adults, got glued to the TV and cellphones monitoring the storm and flood situations, with resultant elevated blood pressures, feelings of insecurity, and even dwindling faith; the kids, on the other hand, were busy “tearing up” the game room with assorted games, role plays and loudness. Their racket constantly jolted us out of our distress. I deliberately avoided toning down their ringing, and I prayed God to use their hype as worship and praise.

From the lips of children and infants you, Lord, have called forth your praise.

Matthew 21: 16.

It worked as there wasn’t really a “dull moment” all through the storm. I really cannot say how much life they injected into our home in the period! Blessings!!

This evening, as the clouds broke, revealing sunlight and the blue sky ⛅ for the first time in five days, along with a cool, refreshing breeze, we sighed an unprecedented sigh of relief. I do not recall previously appreciating sunlight and the blue sky as much as I did today. We went wild!!!! The kids sang and danced as we walked around our neighborhood as did so many members of our subdivision. We greeted and exchanged pleasantries with those whom we’ve never had, and vice versa. It was so real and cordial. That’s a positive effect of going through the storm 🌧 together.

All I could say was, “evidently, God’s love surrounded us in the eye of the storm,” as Ryan Stevenson sang! 💚

  • 8/30/ 17

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