The Things to be Thankful to God for Are Not Farfetched.

The Things to be Thankful to God for Are Not Farfetched.

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In this episode, I use three stories to recognize my children for the practical illustrations of their strengths to encourage them to continue building on them.

“I Just Wanted to Honor You.” – Oche.

In the aftermath of the recent Hurricane Beryl, one of our senior neighbors asked if Oche could assist in cleaning up their yard for pay.

He did a good job, and when they offered him the payment, he declined, thanked them, and said, “I just wanted to honor you.” They blessed him.

When I received the report, I smiled and said, “That’s My Number One!

“Did You See What’s on Your Bedside?” – Agbenu.

Last night, I had a backache. After our night prayer, Agbenu gave me a massage with topical muscles and joint analgesics. It sent me to a brief nap.

When I woke up, I brushed my teeth for the night and went to do our nightly routine of checking on and tucking my children in bed (although teenagers, they look forward to it). Agbenu smiled and asked me: “Did you see what’s on your bedside?” “No,” I replied. “I’d let you find out,” she said. I said, “OK.” I pulled her comforter over her and kissed her goodnight.

When I returned to our bedroom, I found a bottle of water and a dose of ibuprofen on my bedside cabinet. I smiled and said, My Only One is the only one!

She told me this morning that she snuck them there while I was brushing my teeth and wanted to leave me a pleasant surprise.

Ofu Continues to Be a Patriarch.

Yesterday, Ofu returned from his summer camp with his Boys Scouts Troop 61 in the smoky mountains of Camp Daniel Boone, North Carolina. They were gone for ten days; each way took two days of road trip. Before departure, Ofu led his troop in prayer.

At their last stopover for a meal on their way home, Ofu also ordered meals for each of his siblings. As we drove back home after picking him up, he handed them their to-go’s and explained that he wanted it for them.

I smiled and said, My Special One continues to be a patriarch, looking out for others, keeping just what he needs and giving the rest away.

My Ones.

My dear children, as you continue to make wise choices of loving, serving, and honoring others selflessly, I pray that God bless you with greater wisdom and material wealth so that you will continue to provide holistic care for the people He entrusts you with, your generation and for posterity.

The more I watch over you, the more I realize that the things to be thankful to God for are not farfetched. I also pray that God continues to sharpen my eyes to call forth your gifts for you to hone and bless others with. Thank you, “My Ones.”

Friend, these are examples of how I cheer my children when they exhibit noble traits. I would like to hear your stories of how you encourage your children by acknowledging their strengths.

  • 7/29/24

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