The World Still Has A Lot Of Good People.

The World Still Has A Lot Of Good People.

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Ofu got hurt by another kid shortly before leaving school today. Thank God it was not a serious injury.

Later in the evening, a kid knocked on our door. There was a car at the entrance of our driveway. When we opened the door, he introduced himself and said:

“I just stopped by to check if Ofu is doing okay. I asked my mom to bring me to see him because I knew he was hurting.”

We thanked and praised him for his kindness and called Ofu for him. While they talked, we went to meet and greet his mom.

She told us how her son asked to come and see Ofu. We thanked her and quickly got talking and shared values. It was easy to see that the kid’s kindness is traceable to his family. Again, we thanked the kid and told him that the world needs people like him, especially in these times.

Virtue begins from home, and so does vice. So parents, let’s stay on our jobs of good training. The good book says:

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

Proverbs 22:6.

Indeed, the world still has a lot of good people. We need to focus more on the goodness of people than on giving attention to negativity, and sources of sadness and pain.

  • 4/29/21

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