Yeah, I’m a Beast!

Yeah, I’m a Beast!

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Last week Ofu was absent from school because he contracted the flu. We (Sweetheart and I) requested for his activities so we can help him to keep up, which he did. Upon his return to school this week, the activities were graded, and he did very well.🕺🏾🕺🏾🕺🏾

This morning as he was getting ready for school we had the following discussion:

Me: “Special!” (Short for My Special One: I call each of my three kids a unique pet name. Oche is My Number One, and Agbenu is My Only One.) “Last night mom told me you that you did very well on your school work.”

Ofu: “Yeah!”

Me: “That’s so awesome! …and even the 4-step process in math?”

Ofu: “Yeah, I’m a beast!”

Me: “Hmm! So you’re now a math beast?”

Ofu: “Yeah.”

Me: “Is that because the math problems are no longer a match for you and that you can easily eat them up?”

Ofu: “Yeah.”

Me: “Awesome! So are you also a reading and spelling beast because you’re a super reader and a super speller?”

Super Speller

Ofu: “Yeah.”

Me: “Way to go! Hi-five” 🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️ “Come here!”

Taking advantage of my excitement, he chipped in a request.

Ofu: “Dad, when can I play Roblox again? I miss Roblox.”

Me: “You do?”

Ofu: “Yes (with emphasis) and Roblox miss me too.”

Suppressing my laughter, I corrected him.

Me: “…Roblox misses me too.”

Ofu: “Roblox misses me too.”

Me: “Good. How do you know Roblox misses you?”

Ofu: “Because he tells me in my heart.”

This is a follow up on his previous request…See the post “Dad, have you heard from Jesus yet?”

Considering his

  • self-motivation to complete his work while on sick time
  • skillful and figurative use of words – “I’m a beast” and personification of Roblox

I knew it was time to let him retry Roblox as a reward.

Me: “Jesus is happy, and he wants me to let you play Roblox again this weekend. I’m also happy very happy for you.”

Ofu: “Yeah, thanks, dad.” (Hugs)

Me: “…But I’m going to let you try it out first this weekend. If you don’t get so upset if you lose or when it gets hard then you can keep playing it. But if get so mad and you yell then you lose your privileges again. Deal?”

Ofu: “Deal.”

Me: “Good job!”

  • 2/14/19

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